On Tuesday, March 19th, at our next general meeting, Ryan Chamberlain will speak with us about his experiences with the famous F/A-18 Hornet aerobatic team The Blue Angels! Ryan (call sign “Droopy”) flew in slot #5 for this elite team for several years, and now flys a 757 for FedEx. Try not to turn too green with envy as you hear him describe the best job on (and above) earth!
It begins at 6:15 with our meal from Subway Subs. Ryan’s presentation in the Lacy Griffin aviation center will follow the meal. If no parking space is available in front of the building, use the spaces in the adjacent maintenance yard (gate 24), in the viewing area down the road, or in the small lot catty-cornered to the Lacy Griffin center.
Our monthly Fly-In Lunch on Saturday, March 23rd will be to Pickens County airport (LQK) which is 38 NM south of us. Fingers crossed for good weather this time–we have not been fortunate in recent months! Plan your flight to arrive at noon at the new restaurant there, The Scoop at the Airport. They serve a great meal in addition to lots of tasty ice cream. As always, the pilot in command has the final go/no go decision about the safety of the flight.
It is time to renew your annual membership in WNCPA. If you have not done so yet, you can renew online with a credit card by clicking HERE.