Our next General Meeting is Tuesday, June 21st, featuring our own Donald Short. He will discuss his experiences as a riverboat pilot on the Mississippi. As always, a light dinner will be available at 6:15, general announcements will start at 7:00, and the main program will follow. We will meet at the “Lacy” Griffin building at AVL. Parking for this even is no longer available on the gravel lot that is diagonal to the Lacy building. Instead, park in front of the Lacy building, in the maintenance area parking adjacent to the Lacey building, or in the observation area spots down Wright Brothers Way close to Signature.
Our Fly-out Lunch will be Saturday, June 25th. We will assemble at Hamilton/Owens airport (CUB, 116 NM southeast of AVL) between 11:30 and 12:00 to take their courtesy van to California Dreamin’ restaurant. Please be on time, since the van will leave shortly after noon. In case of bad weather at CUB, our alternative will be GMU; look for an announcement here that Saturday if the venue changes. As always, it is the duty of the pilot in command to determine if any flight is safe to undertake.
Upcoming events: July’s meeting will be our annual picnic. August’s meeting topic will be “How Helicopter Pilots are Different.” September’s presentation will be on soaring (sailplanes).
And a P.S.: A fly-in will be held at Shelby airport this Saturday, June 11th from 10:00 to 2:00, hosted by the airport.