On Tuesday, August 16th, at 6:15 p.m., the WNCPA general meeting will feature a presentation by Tim Fox and Bill Whitehead on Helicopters. It will include information on the ways their airport operations differ, helping with “see and avoid” issues for fixed wing pilots. With luck, Bill’s helicopter will be available for “show and tell” after the meeting. We will meet at the usual location at the Lacy Griffin aviation center. Parking continues to be inhibited by construction; if no space is available in front of the building, use the spaces in the adjacent maintenance yard (gate 24) or in the viewing area down the road.
Our next fly-out lunch will be to Hickory airport (HKY, 59 NM East Northeast of AVL) on Saturday August 20th. There is an aviation museum there, in addition to good food.
A few members have announced items for sale by themselves. Katherine Harris (email: kitkat.flight@gmail.com) has a 1972 Cessna 150 for sale for $49,874: “IFR certified, Annual good until Oct 31 2022, New plastics, New carpet, Excellent paint.” Donald Short (donaldshort@bellsouth.net) has a handheld aviation radio available for $150, and a Go-Pro with attachments for $400.
Here is our schedule for general meetings the rest of the year:
September: “Gliders” (Sailplanes) presented by Mike Cola
October: “My Career Journey” presented by Andra Vandenberg
November: “Aviation Weather” presented by WLOS meteorologist Meghan Danahey
December: Our annual holiday dinner at Bay Breeze on December 13th