Privately Owned, Public Use
2.0 mi. E of city.
N35-18.46 W082-25.99
Mag Var: 4 deg W
Phone: 828-693-1897
Communication Freqs:
Unicom – 123.0
CTAF – 123.0
Elevation: 2084 MSL
Hours: 8:30 to 5:30 pm
Fees: Parking Fee; Tiedown Fee; Hangar Fee
Charts: ATLANTA;
Traffic Pattern: All Aircraft: 3000 MSL;
Runways: (14-32) 3075X40; asphalt; PCL; road & fence ry 14; trees ry 32
Approaches: (VFR)
Lights: 123.0 Low – 3 clicks in 3 secs.
Notes: Parallel private turf strip 300′ W of asph ry; ry 3075 x 80 E 40′ asph, W 40′ turf; ry lights 100′ apart E-W Intensive Flight Training
Obstructions: berm E running parrallel to ry.
Special Operations: Soaring; Ultralights;
Fuel: 100LL;