WNC Pilots Association General Meeting
January 20, 2015
Lacy Griffin Building – AVL Regional Airport
Call to Order by President Nancy Marstall: 6:59 p.m.
- Six visitors were introduced and welcomed.
- There were 59 present.
- Four new members were introduced.
- The WNCPA Board for 2015 was recognized.
- If bad weather causes a meeting cancellation, a notice will be posted on the web site and emailed to members.
- AOPA hats brought by Tom Haines to the Christmas party were made available.
- Project SOAR brochures with information about how AVL Regional construction impacts pilots were made available.
- Any suggestions as to how WNCPA can operate a Free Table at meetings are welcomed.
- The Secretary’s Report was approved.
- Treasurer’s report: $12,391.65
- Chuck Buckland, General Manager of Landmark Aviation was not able to attend, but sent a report which was read. “The self-service fuel tank is nearly ready for final operational testing.”
- Jan Jones: Membership renewals are due. Any member without a nametag should let her know. WNCPA shirts are in stock
and for sale.
- Educational Foundation, Arnie Andressen: He announced the new structure, process, and rules for the grants to be awarded later in the year. Application deadline is April 1. Information was given in handouts and is on the WNCPA website.
- Website Report, Tim Anderson: He demonstrated how to access the website and the new Members Only page.
- Fly-outs, Tim Anderson:
Jan – Hickory
- Programs, Darwin Jones:
Feb – Approach
Mar – Landings
Apr – Possibly iPad presentation
May – Drones
Jun – Seaplanes
Aug – Ask the DPE (Designated Pilot Examiner)
This Thursday: a WINGs program will be held here in the WNC Aviation Building – Night and Winter Operations
- Medical Information, Dr. Ruffin Benton: Dr. Benton talked about some of the simplifications being made in the medical re-certification process.
- David Shields announced some of the ILS interruptions expected during the runway construction project.
- Susan VanFleet – Air Race Classic coming through Hickory June 22.
- Member, Patrick Reynolds has been elected President of the local EAA chapter.
- Next meeting is the chili cook-off.
- The emphasis of the WNCPA for the year 2015 will be membership promotion, good programs, safety seminars, and memorable fly-outs.
Program: Member James Blackburn presented a program on his participation in the Harrier Program.
Submitted by: Gil Carlson, Secretary
Western North Carolina Pilots Association
General Meeting – Lacy Griffin Building
Mar 17, 2015
Called to order by President Nancy Marstall: 6:53 p.m.
- About 60 present.
- Visitors were introduced and welcomed.
The January Minutes were approved. (There was no meeting in February because of weather.)
The Treasurer reported $14,534.92.
WNCPA shirts and caps were available for purchase.
David Shields announced:
- WNC Aviation is announcing the new AB Tech Aviation Management and Career Pilot Technology program.
- It will be the first program in the State that will be training pilots eligible for restricted ATP upon graduation.
- Ribbon-cutting ceremony will be at WNC Aviation on March 25 at 2:00 p.m.
- Registration opens on April 1 for the fall semester.
- Brochures are available.
Names of 17 new members of the WNCPA were announced and certificates presented.
Mike Reisman, Deputy Airport Director of Development and Operations of Asheville Regional Airport, reported:
- The new members of the AVL Airport Authority.
- The new airport budget.
- In the last calendar year, the airport served the most passengers in the history of the airport.
- Phase I of the SOAR Project is almost finished and Phase II is beginning.
- The temporary runway (new taxiway) is expected to be operational by mid–December.
- The VASI on 34 was recommissioned “today” and the out of service NOTAM was canceled.
- The new Airport entryway and light will be finished by the end of March.
Chuck Buckland, manager of Landmark Aviation, reported:
- The self service fuel facility will be in service by mid April.
- A couple of half T-hanger storage areas are available for rent.
- There are a couple of seasonal part time job openings – concierge positions.
- There will be a cookout at Landmark for lunch on Friday from 11:00 – 1:00. All are invited.
Nancy reported (on behalf of Tim):
- 33 have registered for the Members area of the WNCPA Website.
- WNCPA now has a YouTube account. Members with videos can contact Tim at info@flywncpa.org.
- March 28 London, KY
- April 18 Hickory, NC
- There is still open discussion on a destination for this year’s overnight fly-out.
Darwin Jones announced: the programs for the next few meetings are posted on the Website.
John Gaitskill announced: the nation-wide Safety Stand Down at the Lacy Griffin Building, Saturday, March 21, 11:30 – 3:00, a WINGS program.
Don Watson Reported for the Educational Foundation:
- There have been a number of applications received for the 2015 grants.
- Applications will be received through April 1.
- It is anticipated that there may be opportunity to benefit students of the new AB Tech aviation program in the future.
Dr. Ruffin Benton reported that the FAA has rescinded the BMI/neck size as the criteria for concern, but there will be a triage of some kind that will indicate risk for sleep apnea involved in our next pilot medical exam.
- CAP is presently holding a flight academy for five cadets. There will be a fundraiser breakfast at Applebee’s on
Saturday, April 11. - Mitch Huff, a 2014 Educational Foundation grant recipient, has received his Private Pilot’s Certificate.
30-Second Safety Tip: By Susan VanFleet – Be ready to blow your whistle!
Adjourned: 7:32 p.m.
Program: Stabilized Approach, a WINGS Program, presented by Darwin Jones
Submitted by: Gil Carlson, Secretary
Western North Carolina Pilots Association
General Meeting – Lacy Griffin Building
April 21, 2015
Called to order by President Nancy Marstall: 6:59 p.m.
Shawn Landon, Air Traffic Manager, AVL Regional ACTC was introduced. Mr Landon invited pilots to visit the tower.
New Members were recognized.
The March Minutes were approved
The Treasurer reported $13,551.44
Landmark Aviation Operations Manager, David Haynes reported:
The self-service fuel facility will be in service by May 1st.
Landmark will host a Cinco De Mayo Luncheon on May 5th
There are plans for a fly-in on June 20th that will have manufacturers and other vendors present.
Jan Jones announced:
There are some new member certificates and tags that have not been picked up yet.
WNCPA shirts and caps are available for purchase.
Tim Anderson announced:
There is now a Corporate membership space on the web site Home Page.
There are about 40 that have registered at the Members Area of the site.
There will be a fly-out to Hickory, Crosswinds Cafe. Pilots that top off their tanks get a free meal.
Programs:May – Attack of the Drones presented by US Air Force Major General Rick Devereaux, retired.
June – iPad in the Cockpit presented by Patrick Reynolds, WNC Aviation
July – Annual Cook-out with a free table and Fly-market. Bring something to give or sell.
WNCPA Educational Foundation (Don Watson):
13 Applications have been received
Decisions for grants will be made in the next few days.
Dr. Ruffin Benton talked about depression in the aviation community.
David Shields brought us up-to-date on the AB Tech Aviation program opening in the Fall.
Gil Carlson made an illusionary presentation on the rumored aviation fuel substitute, Moo Gas.
30 Second Safety Tip; By Susan VanFleet – How to make a hand held radio, directional, in a search and rescue.
Adjourned: 7:25 p.m.
Program: Aircraft Control, presented by Mal Beckham, a WINGS program
Submitted by: Gil Carlson, Secretary
Western North Carolina Pilots Association
General Meeting – Lacy Griffin Building
May 19, 2015
Called to order by President Nancy Marstall: 6:56 p.m.
Member and B17 pilot, Ted Logan, was recognized along with his wife, Betty.
Four visitors were introduced.
The April Minutes were approved
The Association has three corporate members. There were recognized by the President. The corporate members are Asheville Regional Airport, Landmark Aviation, and WNC Aviation.
Chuck Buckland, General Manager of Landmark Aviation, reported:
- The self service fuel pump has experienced some problems and is being worked on. It is presently out of service.
- There will be an Ice Cream Social at the FBO on May 28th from 11:30 to 2:00.
- Landmark will host a fly-in June 20th. There will be local vendors and a Family Zone.
David Shields, Chief Instructor for WNC Aviation reported:
- There have been about 30 applications received for the AB Tech Aviation Program.
- Registration for the program will begin in July.
Tina Kinsey, Director of Marketing for Asheville Regional Airport, sent a request for pilots that have or will take aerial photographs of the airport construction, to share them with AVL Regional for historical archiving of the S.O.A.R. Project.
Jan Jones, Membership Chair: encouraged visitors to to apply for membership
Darwin Jones, Program Chair: announced the June program would be iPad in the Cockpit, presented by WNC Aviation
instructor, Patrick Reynolds. This will be a WINGS program.
Nancy Marstall announced that at the July meeting Annual Cook-out there will be a Fly Market table.
- Members are encouraged to bring aviation related items that they want to sell.
- The proceeds will be returned to the member or if stipulated a portion or all can be donated to WNCPA.
- There will also be a free table for items that can be passed on with no charge.
Tim Anderson – Flyouts:
- May 23rd – Greenville Downtown (GMU)
- June – London, KY (LOZ) Air Fair and Open House
- July – Hickory (HKY)
Arnie Andresen – Educational Foundation:
- There will be nine grants awarded this year.
- The recipients will be announced in the June meeting.
- Three will be awarded to applicants that are ready to begin pilot training.
- Five to pilots that are seeking to advance their skills and certification.
- One to an applicant pursuing the field of aircraft technology.
Member Achievements:
- Michael Doornbos has received his Private Pilot certificate.
- Katherine Harris has soloed.
David Cantwell, Line Manager at the AVL tower:
- Clarified some language used in incident and accident reports.
- Explained the runway is briefly closed after any near-by lightning strike to check for runway damage and debris.
- Emphasized the need to exit the runway after landing by completely clearing the broken/double solid line.
- He gave an invitation to visit the tower.
Dr Ruffin Benton: He talked of the required wait-before-flight for pharmaceutical sleep aids and other medications.
- Hendersonville Air Museum Air Fair June 6&7
- Fly-in at Anderson Airport May 2
Susan VanFleet gave a Safety Moment by offering a comprehensive emergency landing checklist.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:32 p.m.
The program was presented by Major General, retired, Richard Devereaux – Attack of the Drones or Aviatiors that Never Leave the Ground.
Submitted by Gil Carlson, Secretary
Western North Carolina Pilots Association
General Meeting – Lacy Griffin Building
June 16, 2015
Called to order by President Nancy Marstall: 6:53 p.m.
Appreciation was extended to Elizabeth and Frank Henry for organizing the meal as well as WNC Aviation for the meeting facilities.
Visitors were welcomed
New Members were welcomed
Secretary’s Report: The May Minutes were approved
Treasure’s Report: $13,170.33
David Shields introduced Richard “R.J.” Corman, A-B Tech’s Aviation Management and Career Pilot Technology Chair. AB Tech has 50 students registered to begin the Aviation program in August. The program has some openings for classroom instructors.
Lew Bleiweis, Executive Director of the Asheville Regional Airport, reported that General Aviation is now included in the new Mission Statement for the Airport Authority.
Chuck Buckland, General Manager of Landmark Aviation, reported a fly-in on Saturday with vendors, prizes and family activities.
Membership: Jan Jones invited visitors to Join WNCPA
WNCPA monogrammed items: Jan announced an Open Order event next month at the Cook-out. There will be a much larger selection of items that can be special ordered at that time.
Tim Anderson announced a request from the Hendersonville Children’s Hands on Museum. The museum is having some programs in the park this summer. They are requesting any pilots that could join them for any or all of four Mondays in July. The pilots would be part of an involvement with the children in discussion, activities, and answering questions about aviation.
Fly-outs (Tim): The next Fly-out will be to London-Corbin Airport (LOZ) on June 27th.
Future Programs: July – Cook-out
Aug – Ask the Examiner, David Shields,
Sept – Seaplanes, Susan VanFleet
Nancy announced there will be a Free Table and a Fly Market Table at the Cook-out
Susan VanFleet announced the Hickory stop of The Air Race Classic at Hickory Monday the 22nd at 9:30. 120 women in 56 aircraft will make Hickory one of the race stops.
Nancy recognized Michael Doornbos for getting his Private, Single Engine, Land certificate.
Adjourned: 7:10 p.m.
Don Watson and Arnie Andressen informed us of the activities of the WNCPA Educational Foundation and awarded the 2015 Grants.
The Program was The iPad in the Cockpit. It was a WINGS program presented by Patrick Reynolds and Michael Doornbos.
Submitted by Gil Carlson, Secretary
Western North Carolina Pilots Association
General Meeting – Lacy Griffin Building
August 18, 2015
Called to order by President Nancy Marstall: 6:54 p.m.
Five visitors were welcomed.
Secretary’s Report: The June minutes were approved. There was no meeting called to order at the July Cook-Out.
Treasurer’s Report: $13,036.33.
Three of the ground school instructors in the new AB Tech program are WNCPA members.
Those Ground School instructors are Tim Anderson, Arnie Andresen, and Gordon Roberts.
David Shields reported on the AB Tech Aviation Program opening.
The Aviation Program had the largest start-up enrollment of any new program in AB Tech history.
There are over 40 students enrolled in the program.
Nancy announced that member Lt Col Wally Courtney, CAP, has recently conducted his 300th Cadet “O” Flights.
Tim Anderson reported on WNCPA plans for flying for the next few months.
September 19: (7A8) Avery Co/MorrisonEAA BBQ Fly-in
This is generally a land north and take off south VFR procedure.
Ken Hawkins will brief us on best practice at the September Meeting.
October 10: (THA) Tullahoma RegionalAOPA Southern Regional Fly-in
October 24th and 25th: WNCPA Scenic Flight event at AVL.
November: (GKT) Gatlinburg-Pigeon Forge visit to the Tennessee Museum of Aviation, on the airport.
Nancy reported on an invitation to the Cleared For Takeoff weekend event at Mountain Air Country Club, Sept 4-6.
Darwin Jones reported that Cindy Carter will present a program in November, “After the Crash”.
Don Watson reported for the WNCPA Educational Foundation:
There are some members rotating off the Board, so new members are being sought by the Nominating Committee.
Dr Ruffin Benton gave a medical up-date:
Dr Horan will be in transition for awhile. He will continue the Medicals for patients as he can and others he will forward to Dr Benton during this time.
Dr Benton talked about Special Issuance medical conditions.
Nancy reported for Michael Reisman of the Asheville Regional Airport:
SOAR is on schedule.
Paving is starting and will take six to eight weeks.
Scheduled opening of the new runway is December 10th.
Susan VanFleet gave a Safety Tip.
Adjourned: 7:18 p.m.
Program: David Shields, Chief Instructor for WNC Aviation, gave the program – Ask the Examiner.
Submitted by Gil Carlson, Secretary
Western North Carolina Pilots Association
General Meeting – Lacy Griffin Building
September 15, 2015
Called to order by President Nancy Marstall: 6:58 p.m.
All chairs were taken and the Association has had problems in finding more of the same kind of chairs in stock. Lew Bleiweis said he may know of some available chairs and would check into it.
Thanks was expressed to those who helped bring the meeting about.
A visitor was welcomed.
Secretary’s Report: The August Minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report: $11,817.10
It was announced that member and past Educational Foundation Grant recipient, Patrick Reynolds, has just received his CFII.
Member and grant recipient, Ryan Cotton has received his A&P and has achieved his first solo.
Member and grant recipient Katherine Harris has passed her FFA written test this week.
Member Wally Courtney has made a proposal of marraige to member and grant recipient Rheta Perkins. A photograph of the
in-aircraft maneuver will be posted on the website.
Member Ann Osmer has passed her Knowledge Test
Membership (Jan Jones): Name tags and certificates for new members are available.
Membership renewal forms will be mailed in November
There are WNCPA clothing items in-stock and for sale.
The invitations for the December 1 Christmas party will be mailed in November.
We now have 172 members and there are 72 members of the Yahoo Group.
Programs (Darwin Jones): Oct 20 – Eddie Shields, Beyond the Preflight (WINGS)
Nov 17 – Cindy Carter, After the Crash (WINGS)
Christmas Dinner (Cindy Carter): The guest speaker will be Mark Grady, humorist and aviation safety speaker.
Board Nomination Committee (Cindy): President – Tim Anderson
V President – Nancy Marstall
Secretary – Tim Fox
Treasurer – Don Short
Membership Chair – Dave Bolser
Director (2 yr) – Mark Lancaster
Director (3 yr) – Rocky Flemming
Director (3 yr) – Jim Martin
Program Chair – Susan VanFleet
Other nominations can be submitted.
Election to be held at the October General Meeting.
Fly-outs (Tim Anderson): Sept 19 – Spruce Pine (7A8) – EAA BBQ
Oct 10 – AOPA Regional Fly-in
Nov 21 – Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge (GKT) Visit to the Tennessee Museum of Aviation.
A “Best Practices” presentation for landing and departing 7A8 was presented by Ken Hawkins
Meeting Adjourned: 7:34
Submitted by: Gil Carlson, Secretary
WNC Pilots Association General Meeting
October 20, 2015
Lacy Griffin Building – AVL
Call to order By President Nancy Marstall: 6:46p.m.
Nancy Marstall announced that Landmark Aviation purchased the BBQ for this meeting. Gratitude was expressed to Chuck Buckland.
There were 6 visitors acknowledged and welcomed.
The September Minutes were presented and approved.
Treasurer’s Report (Don Short): $12,880.82
Membership (Jan Jones): Visitors were invited to fill out a membership application
WNCPA shirts and caps are available for purchase
Membership renewal notices will be mailed in December
Invitations to the Christmas Dinner will be mailed in a few days. The dinner will be on December 1st at the Biltmore Park Hilton. The speaker will be Mark Grady, seminar instructor for the AOPA Air Safety Foundation
Fly-outs (Tim Anderson):Nov 12 – Gatlinburg-Pigeon Forge (KGKT) Tennessee Museum of Aviation
WNCPA will offer Scenic Rides to the public on October 24 & 25, from 10:00 – 6:00 each day
There are 9 pilots and aircraft available as well as a full ground crew team
There will be a ground crew and pilot briefing at 9:00 on Saturday that will include a tower representative
Member news: Katherine Harris, a WNCPA Educational Foundation grant recipient, has received her Private Pilot certificationBruce McDonald, a WNCPA Educational Foundation grant recipient, has soloed
Members Wally Courtney and Rheta Perkins have married
Programs (Darwin Jones):The November program will be “After the Crash” presented by Cindy Carter
Election of members to the WNCPA 2016 Board of Directors:
When no other names were added to the list of nominees presented in the September meeting, the nominations were closed.The following Nominees were elected by acclamation:
President – Tim Anderson
Vice President – Nancy Marstall
Secretary – Tim Fox
Treasurer – Don Short
Director 2yr) – Mark Lancaster
Director (3 yr) – Rocky Flemming
Director (3 yr) – Jim Martin
Membership Chair – Dave Bolser
WNCPA Educational Foundation (Don Watson):
The Foundation needs to raise more funds for the grants to be given in the coming year
There are openings on the Foundation Board of Directors, including members of the Grant Selection Committee
There will be a Foundation sponsored raffle at the next meeting and at the Christmas dinner to raise funds for the 2016 Grants
The raffle prizes will include a Bad Elf GPS, an iPad, and a Fore Flight subscription.
Chuck Buckland, General Manager of Landmark Aviation, AVL, made the announcement that BBA Aviation, parent company of Signature Flight Support has made a proposal to buy Landmark Aviation. The acquisition will likely be completed in the first quarter of 2016. He expects little initial change at AVL except Branding.
Lew Bleiweis, Executive Director of Asheville Regional Airport, gave an update on Project SOAR and specifically the opening of the new temporary runway 17/35:
The temporary runway will be commissioned for use on December 10th.
Phase III of SOAR will begin in the Spring of 2016, which will demo and rebuild the permanent runway 17/35
The permanent runway 17/35 will be commissioned in 2017
The permanent taxiway on the west side and all lighting and navaids are expected to be completed by 2018
More information can be found on line
Adjournment: 7:22p.m.
Program: “Beyond the Preflight”, WINGS program, presented by Eddie Shields, FAASTeam Program Mgr of the Charlotte FSDO.
Submitted by Gil Carlson, Secretary
Western North Carolina Pilots Association
General Meeting – Lacy Griffin Building
November 17, 2015
Called to order by President Nancy Marstall: 6:44 p.m.
Lew Bleiweis, Executive Director, Asheville Regional Airport gave an update on the runway construction project.
Four visitors were welcomed.
Member Billy Welch has been awarded by France, The French Legion of Honor metal for his participation as a US pilot during WWII.
Secretary (Gil Carlson): The October Minutes were approved.
Treasurer (Don Short): $16,809.25
Membership (Jan Jones): WNCPA membership renewals will be due in January. Visitors present were invited to join. There are WNCPA shirts and caps for sale.
The Christmas Dinner will be held December 1at the Baltimore Park Hilton. Mark Grady will be the speaker.
Scenic Flights and Fly-outs (Tim Anderson): Tim recognized the pilots and ground crew for the October 24 & 25 Scenic Flight event. We grossed $4,852 and flew 102 passengers on 50 flights.
Nov 21 Fly-out to Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge (GKT) Tennessee Museum of Aviation.
Nancy recognized the WNCPA Board members rotating off the Board.
WNCPA Educational Foundation (Don Watson & Henry Johnson):
The new Foundation officers are:
- President: Arnie Andresen
- Vice President: Henry Johnson
- Secretary: Don Watson
- Treasurer: Andy Guenette
There were hand-outs distributed with historical information and information on the donation process (copy attached). Over the five years since inception, the Foundation has received about $31,000 and granted $27,000 for aviation education. The 2016 information for grant applicants will be posted on the WNCPA website by the end of this year.
Medical Up-date (Dr. Ruffin Benton): Dr. Benton spoke about the ramifications of a road DUI on pilot certification.
Thanks were extended to Frank and Elizabeth Henry for organizing the food for the meeting.
Meeting Adjourned: 7:11
Darwin Jones introduced the Program Speaker: Cindy Carter – “After the Crash.”
Submitted by: Gil Carlson, Secretary
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