WNC Pilots Association
Board Meeting
January 6, 2015
Building – AVL Regional Airport
The annual group photo was taken before the meeting.
Call to Order: 7:21 p.m.
Board and Committee Members Present:
- President – Nancy Marstall
- Vice President – Tim Anderson
- Secretary – Gil Carlson
- Treasurer – Don Short
- Immediate Past President – Garry Hancock
- Directors – David Bolser, Richard Feeman, Darwin Jones, Bill Roe, Susan Van Fleet, and Don Watson
- Membership Chairperson – Jan Jones
Reports and Unfinished Business:
November Minutes read and approved.
Treasurer’s report: $12,854.89. The Treasurer also distributed copies of the December 31, 2014, Year-End Report.
Christmas Dinner Accounting:
- Approximately $4850 collected and $6045 expended.
- Most attendees were members.
Committee Reports:
Membership: Jan reported:
- There have been 41 renewal of memberships so far.
- Five applications for new membership were presented and approved.
- Jim Davis
- Chris Fink
- Keith Lord
- Jarrod Jarvis
- Robert Herlin
- There have been 41 renewal of memberships so far.
Approved, that Darwin and Gil have authorization to purchase a laptop and accessories for audio visual and other Association uses, with an expected limit of $500 for the total.
Programs: Darwin reported:
January – Piloting the Harrier
February – The stabilized approach (WINGS)
March – Crosswind landings (WINGS)
Website: Tim reported, there are a number of additions to the web site, one being a member only accessible page.
Fly-outs: Tim reported, January – Hickory
Educational Foundation: Don Watson reported:
- The bylaw changes have been completed.
- Grant applications will be available by the end of January and will be accepted through April 1.
- Grant recipients will be chosen by the middle of June.
- The officers of the Educational Foundation are:
- Don Watson – President
- Arnie Andresen – VP & Selection Committee Chair
- Phil Kelley – Secretary
- Will Crook – Treasurer
- Henry Johnson
- Anne Osmer
New Business:
- It was approved to authorize Nancy to have 1,000 promotional cards ordered for approximately $84.
- It was approved to give 10% of the General Fund to the WNCPA Educational Foundation.
- A suggestion was made to see if having a Free Table at general meeting would work.
- President Nancy Marstall Suggested some basic goals for 2015:
- Build the membership
- Continue to have quality programs
- Good fly-out experiences
- Plan another weekend fly-out
- Support the Educational Foundation
- Plan for the Christmas Dinner
General meeting dinner menu:
- Jan – Pizza
- Feb – Chili cook-off
- Mar – Fried chicken
Meeting Adjourned: 8:30 p.m.
After the meeting, the board members were given a tour of the new Public Safety Facilities.
Submitted by: Gil Carlson, Secretary
Western North Carolina Pilots Association
Board Meeting
February 3, 2015, 7:00 PM
Asheville Regional Airport, Lacy Griffin Building
In attendance:
- President Nancy Marstall
- Vice President Tim Anderson
- Secretary Gil Carlson
- Treasurer Don Short
- Membership Jan Jones
- Directors David Bolser, Richard Feeman, Darwin Jones, and Susan VanFleet
1. Call to Order: 7:00 p.m.
2. Reports and Unfinished Business
- A. Minutes Report (Gil): Approved
- B. Treasurer’s Report (Donald): $13,687.99
- C. Committee Reports:
- a. Membership (Jan):
A motion was made to order more shirts. It was passed. New member applications considered and approved:
- Chris Carson
- Randy Carson
- Michall Doornbos
- Alan Lee
- Bob VanSickle
- Cliff Sapp
b. Programs (Darwin):
- April: iPad in the cockpit
- June: Sea plane dissertation
- July: Cook-out
- August: Designated Pilot Examiner Q&A Panel
Laptop computer update: The laptop has been purchased. There are some cables yet to be purchased. It was approved to purchase $30 restaurant gift cards as gifts of appreciation for program presenters.
c. Website (Tim):
- 25 have registered in the “Members Area” page of the website. A YouTube account has been created
for posting videos. The website has a link.
d. Fly-outs (Tim):
- Feb Shelby – Flyig Pig
- Mar London – Hanger Restaurant
- Apr Hickory – Crosswind Cafe
An overnight Fly-out is tentatively planned for May 15 & 16. There will be further discussion regarding a destination.
e. Promotional 4×6 card (Nancy, Tim, Jan):
- A proof was shown and the order is being printed. It was approved to order two sets of 250 personalized
WNCPA cards for $90.
3. WNCPA Educational Foundation (Don Watson)
- Don Watson’s report was presented and distributed by Arnie Andresen. It gave details of the 2015 Grant application and award process. The Educational Foundation will make information available by making announcements on the WNCPA Website as well as posting Board Meeting Minutes.
4. New Business/Other
A. The idea of having a “free table” at meetings was discussed. It was decided to have a swap meet in July.
B. It was passed that the Association will not sell advertising on the Website except with special Board action.
5. Meeting Dinners
- February – Annual chili cook-off
- March – Subs
- April – Pizza
- June – BBQ
- July – Cook-out
Adjournment: 8:31 p.m.
WNC Pilots Association Board Meeting
March 3, 2015
Lacy Griffin Building – AVL
Call to order: 6:58 p.m
Board and committee members present:
- President: Nancy Marstall
- Vice President: Tim Anderson
- Secretary: Gil Carlson
- Treasurer: Don Short
- Immediate Past President: Garry Hancock
- Directors: David Bolser, Richard Feeman, Susan VanFleet, and Don Watson
- Secretary Report( Gil): Presented and approved.
- Treasurer (Don): $14,139.92
Membership (Nancy for Jan):
- Renewals are nearly complete and the 2015 Roster will be ready shortly.
- Two new membership applications were presented and approved.
- David Bevin
- Elwood “Woody” Gales
- Jan, Nancy, and Tim Have been working on a 4X6 card and a tri-fold brochure with WNCPA information. They are now
available for posting and distribution.
- Jan, Nancy, and Tim Have been working on a 4X6 card and a tri-fold brochure with WNCPA information. They are now
Programs (Tim for Darwin):
- March – Stabilized Approaches – WINGS
- April – Crosswind Landings – WINGS
- May – Drones
- June – iPad in the cockpit
- August – Sea and Float Planes
- September – DPE Q&A
Website (Tim): 33 have registered for access to the Members section.
Fly-outs (Tim):
- March 28 – London, KY
- April 18 – Hickory, NC
- The destination for the annual overnight fly-out is being discussed.
Insurance: The Association D&O insurance is up for renewal. Mark Wilson will attend the April Board Meeting to give
details and answer questions.
WNCPA Educational Foundation (Don Watson):
- In preparation for the 2015 grants, 19 newspapers and 8 FBOs have been contacted.
- The Foundation Board is considering new ways to solicit future donations.
- There will be about $7,000 given in grants this year.
New business and announcements:
- The AB Tech Aviation program in conjunction with WNC Aviation will begin this fall. The Ribbon Cutting will be on
March 25. The courses of study are Aviation Management and Career Pilot Technology.
- The Web event, FAA “National Virtual Aviation Safety Stand Down” will have a local group on March 21at the
Lacy Griffin Bldg. led by John Gaitskill.
- WNCPA will have an information table at the WNC Air Museum Air Fair, June 6 & 7.
General Meeting Menus:
- March – Subways
- April – Pizza
- May – Chicken
Susan VanFleet will gave a 30 second safety tip at the March General Meeting.
Adjourned: 8:21
Submitted by: Gil Carlson, Secretary.
WNC Pilots Association Board Meeting
May 5, 2015
Lacy Griffin Building – AVL
Call to order: 7:03 p.m
Board and committee members present:
- President: Nancy Marstall
- Vice President: Tim Anderson
- Secretary: Gil Carlson
- Treasurer: Don Short
- Immediate Past President: Garry Hancock
- Directors: David Bolser, Darwin Jones, and Susan VanFleet
- Membership Chairperson: Jan Jones
Secretary’s Report: Presented and approved
Treasurer’s Report: $13,689.53
Committee Reports:
Membership (Jan): A membership application from Hal Levine was presented, considered, and approved.
WNCPA Store (Jan): It was approved, 20 monogrammed shirts will be ordered for stock.
Programs (Darwin): Programs and presenters are scheduled though September.
- May – Drones, Major General Rick Devereaux
- June – iPad in the cockpit, Patrick Reynolds
- July – Cook-out
- August – Ask an Examiner, David Shields
- September – Susan VanFleet
Web Site (Tim): 40 members have registered in the Members area of the flywncpa.org website.
Fly-outs (Tim):
- May – Possibly Spruce Pine with a presentation of landing procedure at the meeting
- June – London
WNCPA Educational Foundation (Nancy reported for Don Watson):
Nine applicants have been chosen for Scholarships.
- A total of $8000 will be dispersed among them.
- The selection process was explained. Five were chosen for the “Program A”, three to those in B, and 1 in C.
- The names of the recipients will be announced by end of May.
Announcements and New Business:
- Tina Kinsey of AVL Regional has let the Association know that there are no plans for a 5K Run this year.
- Tina has requested that if pilots have or will take aerial photos of the airport construction that they are willing to share, send them to her to be added to a Project SOAR archive.
- Boy Scouts of America, Waynesville have requested pilot volunteers to take part in Cub Scout Day by talking about aviation and/or participating in classes about aviation.
- There was a request from a real estate firm for pilots to fly a photographer to take aerial photos of real estate. It was decided that the Association would not be involved.
- It was decided that there would be a Fly-market and a Free-table at the July cookout. Items in both areas would be on a consignment basis and those items not taken should be reclaimed by their owners. Proceeds from the Fly-market go to the owners of the items, or may in part or whole be donated.
- WNCPA will have an information table at the WNC Air Museum Air Fair on the first weekend in June.
- Landmark Aviation will host a fly-in June 20th from 10:00 to 5:00
General Meeting Dinners:
- May – Subways
- June – Chicken
- July – Cookout
Adjourned: 8:08 p.m.
Submitted by: Gil Carlson, Secretary
WNC Pilots Association Board Meeting
June 2, 2015
Lacy Griffin Building – AVL
Call to order: 7:00 pm
Board and committee members present:
- President: Nancy Marstall
- Vice President: Tim Anderson
- Secretary: Gil Carlson
- Treasurer: Don Short
- Immediate Past President: Garry Hancock
- Directors: Richard Feeman, Bill Roe, Susan VanFleet, and Don Watson
- Membership Chairperson: Jan Jones
Secretary’s Report: Presented and approved
Treasurer’s Report: $13,658.15
Committee Reports:
Membership (Jan):
With Educational Grant members added, the roster now shows about 160 members.
It was discussed and approved that non-member speakers would be given an Honorary Membership for the rest of the current year and all of the following year. If present at the next meeting they would be given a Certificate and a name tag may then be ordered.
WNCPA brand items – Jan will order 12 hats for stock.
Programs (Darwin): Presented by Jan – The months of October and November remain open.
The Board suggested that a possibility for October would be to invite someone from the tower to answer questions in an open meeting format
Fly-outs (Tim): About 44 people and 14 aircraft took part in the fly-out to GMU on May 23.
- June 27 – London (LOZ)
- July 18 – Hickory (HKY)
WNCPA Educational Foundation (Don Watson):
- The names of the 2015 grant recipients are on the Website
- The recipients will be introduced in the June General Meeting
Susan announced the Air Race Classic scheduled stop in in Hickory on June 22.
New Business and Updates:
WNC Air Museum Air Fair at Hendersonville on June 6 & 7. WNCPA will have a booth with a banner and canopy, offering information, hospitality, brochures, branded shirts and hats. Some have volunteered and others are welcome.
Landmark Aviation will host a Fly-in at Asheville on June 20. WNCPA will again have a booth.
WNCPA will hold the Annual Cook-out at the Lacy Grffin Building on July 21. There will be a member driven Fly Market and Free Table.
The Hands On Children’s Museum in Hendersonville will hold four weeks of day camp events at Sullivan Park this summer. The Museum is inviting pilots to volunteer for a little over 2 hours on any or each of the Mondays, of the 6, 13, 20, and 27, to attend to answer questions and discuss aviation with 6 – 12 year-old’s.
A question was sent by Dr Ruffin Benton; Does the Board want him to continue giving Aero-medical Reports in the General Meetings? The response was an enthusiastic and unanimous “yes”.
Dinner menus: June – Subway
- July – Cook Out
- August – Pizza
Adjourned: 7:49 pm
Submitted by: Gil Carlson, Secretary
WNC Pilots Association Board Meeting
July 7, 2015
Lacy Griffin Building – AVL
Call to order: 7:00 p.m.
Board and committee members present:
- President: Nancy Marstall
- Vice President: Tim Anderson
- Secretary: Gil Carlson
- Treasurer: Don Short
- Immediate Past President: Garry Hancock
- Directors: David Bolser, Richard Feeman, Darwin Jones, Susan VanFleet, and Don Watson
- Membership Chairperson: Jan Jones
Secretary’s Report: Not presented but will be on line
Treasurer’s Report: $13,068.27 A Balance Sheet, year to date, was also distributed and discussed.
Committee Reports:
Membership (Jan):
There are now 164 members on the WNCPA Roster
Three former members have renewed membership.
Four new membership applications were presented and approved:
- Matthew C. Burril
- R.J. Corman
- Peter Fontaine
- Ron Wolff
WNCPA brand items (Jan):
- There are now 12 white shirts and 12 blue shirts and 12 caps in stock.
- Programs (Darwin): Oct – David Shields will hold a rules and procedures Q&A
- There are other developing plans for this year.
Fly-outs & WebSite (Tim):
- There is a link on the website and on our Facebook page to the WLOS feature on the Hands-on Summer Series that included our involvement.
- Cindy Carter was interviewed by the Hendersonville Times resulting in a good article for local aviation.
Fly-outs July – Hickory (HKY)
- Aug – TBA
- Sept – Spruce Pine (7A8) BBQ Fly-in hosted by the on-field EAA
- Ken Hawkins will be available at the September meeting to give information on landing at 7A8.
- Oct – Shelby (EHO)
WNCPilot Yahoo Group (Darwin):
- All new members are sent invitations.
- The website has sign-up instructions.
Nomination Selection Committee for WNCPA Bd 2016 & 2017 (Gary):
The Committee is comprised of Gary Hancock, Nancy Marstall, Tim Anderson, and Cindy Carter.
This committee will present suggestions for nomination to the Board in September. The Board will approve a slate of nominees and present them to the membership in the September General Meeting. The election will take place in October.
WNCPA Educational Foundation (Don Watson):
The presentation of grants was conducted at the June General Meeting.
There are two members of the Foundation that will rotate out of their Board positions. The Foundation is considering possible replacements.
AOPA has announced that it is seeking to give a $5000 grant to each of two organizations that will award these funds to various individuals pursuing flight training. The Foundation is making application to take part.
The Foundation continues its discourse with AB Tech regarding the possibility of being involved in the distribution of some flight training scholarship funds.
Dinner menus:
- July – Cook Out
Scenic Flight date was discussed as possibly October 24 and 25.
Adjourned: 7:57 p.m.
Submitted by: Gil Carlson, Secretary
WNC Pilots Association Board Meeting
August 8, 2015
Lacy Griffin Building – AVL
Call to order: 7:00 p.m
Board and committee members present:
- President: Nancy Marstall
- Vice President: Tim Anderson
- Treasurer: Don Short
- Immediate Past President: Garry Hancock
- Directors: David Bolser, Richard Feeman, Darwin Jones, Susan VanFleet, and Don Watson
- Membership Chairperson: Jan Jones
Secretary’s Report: The June and July Board Meeting minutes were presented and approved.
Treasurer’s Report: $13,107.80
Committee Reports:
- Membership (Jan): Wally Hartman paid back dues. There are now 165 members on the roster.
- Programs (Darwin): October—Cindy Carter, topic TBD (WINGS), November—Eddie Shields, “Beyond Preflight” (WINGS).
- Fly-Outs (Tim): August 15—Pigeon Forge (TN Aviation Museum), September 19—Spruce Pine (EAA BBQ), October 10—Tulahoma (AOPA fly-in).
- Selection Committee (Garry): Jim Martin has agreed to allow his name to be considered for a Director position.
WNCPA Educational Foundation (Don Watson): The Foundation has applied to AOPA for its $25,000 non-profit scholarship program. August 10 is the date of the first round of eliminations. Scholarships recipients will be announced on August 17.
New Business:
- Scenic Flight Weekend: To be held October 24-25. The cost per ride this year will be $50 for adults and $25 for children 12 and under. Potential list of pilots: John Gaitskill, Craig Kirkpatrick, Jim Tyson, Tim Anderson, Cindy Carter, Ruffin Benton, Gil Carlson, Kim Gibson, Anthony Pretorius.
Backward Thinking:
- The Board voted to purchase two more tables and 10 more chairs to accommodate recent membership and meeting attendance growth. Nancy will seek approval from Amy Thomas to store more tables and chairs.
- Darwin Jones suggested the WNCPA take a more active advocacy role for general aviation issues such as third class medical certificates.
- Nancy Marstall suggested that next year the WNCPA sponsor a cookout/fly-in at the Landmark hangar.
- Susan Van Fleet suggested we include EAA and AOPA memberships as part of the information we collect on the membership forms.
Additional Discussion:
- Nancy reported that member Anthony Pretorius requested 5 to 10 minutes at the next General Meeting to present a slide show about his trip to Oshkosh with 94 year old WWII vet and WNCPA member, Billy Welch. Nancy will further consider how to best address the request, given our tight meeting agendas.
- Susan Van Fleet will consult with Phil Kelley and will try to attend a Brain Center event to get more information about the Brain Center and its mission.
Adjourned: 8:25 p.m.
Submitted by: Tim Anderson
WNC Pilots Association Board Meeting Minutes
October 6, 2015
Lacy Griffin Building – AVL
Call to order: 6:57 p.m
Board and committee members present:
- President: Nancy Marstall
- Vice President: Tim Anderson
- Secretary: Gil Carlson
- Treasurer: Don Short
- Immediate Past President Garry Hancock
- Directors: David Bolser, Richard Feeman, and Susan VanFleet
Secretary’s Report: Presented and approved as amended.
Treasurer’s Report: $12,571.10
Committee Reports:
Membership (By Nancy for Jan):
There has been a membership renewal in the form of a life time membership and a spousal life time membership
Mountain Air has submitted their application for a Corporate Sponsor for the remainder of this year and all next year.
The application was approved.
It was decided that there would be more discussion on the details regarding Corporate Membership.
Programs (Nancy for Darwin): Oct – Eddie Shields (FAA Charlotte) will present a WINGS program: Beyond the Preflight
Nov – Cindy Carter: After the Crash
Fly-outs (Tim): Oct 10 – Tullahoma (THA) AOPA Regional Fly-in
- Nov 21 – Gatlinburg-Pigeon Forge (GKT) Tennessee Museum of Aviation
- Oct 24 & 25 – Scenic Flights. There are planes, pilots, and ground crew committed for the weekend
WNCPA Board Selection Committee (Gary Hancock, Cindy Carter, Nancy Marstall, & Tim Anderson):
Cindy Carter, representing the Nomination Committee, will present the slate and call for a vote in the October General Meeting.
Christmas Dinner: December 1 at the Biltmore Square Hilton.
- It was determined that the price per person is $65.
- There will be a discounted price for members and spousal members of $50.
- There will also be a discounted price for one guest of a full member of $50.
- The speaker will be Mark Grady.
- The Association will provide the speaker with lodging at the Hilton for one night.
New Business:
Mike Reisman (Deputy Executive Director of Development and Operations, Asheville Regional Airport) will give a presentation at the October General Meeting of the details of the temporary runway that will open on December 10.
Lew Bleiweis (Executive Director – AVL) has offered to meet our need for chairs by storing a rack of the AVL folding chairs in our meeting room for our use when needed.
Chuck Buckland (General Manager – Landmark Aviation, AVL) has offered to sponsor the food at the next general meeting.
The Association will sponsor a food drive at the November meeting, with the donated items going to Manna Food Bank.
Adjourned: 7:38 p.m.
Submitted by: Gil Carlson, Secretary
WNC Pilots Association Board Meeting
November 3, 2015
Lacy Griffin Building – AVL
Call to order: 7:01 p.m.
Board and committee members present:
- President: Nancy Marstall
- Vice President: Tim Anderson
- Secretary: Gil Carlson
- Treasurer: Don Short
- Immediate Past President: Garry Hancock
- Directors: David Bolser, Richard Feeman, Bill Roe, Susan VanFleet, and Don Watson
- Membership Chair: Jan Jones
- New Bd Members – 2016: Rocky Flemming, Tim Fox and Mark Lancaster.
President, Nancy Marstall, acknowledged each of the members that served in 2015 and each of the members that will serve in 2016.
Secretary’s Report: Presented and approved as amended.
Treasurer’s Report: $16,747.25
An accounting sheet of the Scenic Flights 2015 and a year-to-date accounting sheet was also submitted (Attached).
Committee Reports:
- Scenic Flights (Tim): Tim gave acknowledgments and thanks for all those involved and he read some of the passenger comments.
- There were 50 flights taking 101 passengers for rides over the two days.
- There will be pictures posted on the website.
Programs (Nancy for Darwin): November Program – Cindy Carter will present “After the Crash”
Fly-Out (Tim): November 21 – Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge (GKT) Tennessee Museum of Aviation on the field
Membership (Jan): 141 invitations have been sent out.
- The menu is being finalized.
- A room at the Hilton for Mark Grady, the speaker for the evening, has been secured.
- It is estimated that there will be about 75 dinner tickets sold.
WNCPA Educational Foundation (Don Watson):
- The treasury balance is about $13,000.
- The Foundation has placed $8,000 with the Community Foundation of Henderson County for fund and transaction management.
- A raffle is going to be held to benefit the Foundation. The drawing will take place at the WNCPA.
- Christmas Dinner. The donated prizes are a Bad Elf GPS, a subscription to ForeFlight Pro, and an iPad.
- The Foundation Board has members going off, some are changing positions, and some new members added
- The Foundation is looking for new, motivated, board members.
- The Foundation is looking for donations.
New Business: There will be a food drive. Non-perishable food donations will be received at the November General Meeting.
Announcements: Susan VanFleet announced a movie about Bob Hoover will be shown in a theater in Concord on 11/10/2015
Adjournment: 7:48 p.m.
Submitted by: Gil Carlson, Secretary
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