WNC Pilots Association
General Meeting Minutes
Date: January 21, 2014
Location: WNC Aviation
Call to order: 6:58 p.m. by President Nancy Marstall
There were 44 present.
4 visitors were welcomed.
Secretary’s Report: Approved
Treasurer’s Report:
As is our custom, 10% of the beginning of the year balance was donated by the WNC Pilots Association to the WNCPA Education Foundation. The amount of this year’s donation was $862.52.
The WNCPA closing bank balance for January was $9,750.19
The Treasurer’s report was approved.
We will no longer award door a prize at the monthly meetings on a regular basis.
There were 65 reservations made for the annual Christmas dinner. $650 was collected at the raffle held at the Christmas dinner. Proceeds go to the WNCPA Education Foundation. Winners:
Bob Carter and Don Watson won headsets donated by David Clark
Tim Fox won the gift certificate donated by King Schools.
Don Short has finished all the components of Operation Fly NC. They included flying to 81 NC airports, attending 4 safety seminars, and touring 4 aviation museums.
Lew Bleiweis, Executive Director of the Asheville Regional Airport, presented a check for $2,776 to Ruffin Benton for the WNCPA Education Foundation. These funds are from the proceeds of the AVL Aviation Day & 5K Run.
Jan Jones, Membership Chairperson, reported on the status of membership renewals.
Tim Anderson announced the 3rd Saturday Fly-outs for the next two months:
Feb. 15 – Winder, GA (WDR)
Mar. 15 – London, KY (LOZ)
Tim also invited us to visit the WNCPA web site and also to contribute info and photos.
Darwin Jones gave a renewed invitation to join WNCPILOTS yahoo Group.
Ruffin Benton gave an Education Foundation report. There is a little over $10,000 in the account. Applications for scholarships will be accepted through April 15. Last year’s scholarships totaled $7,000, awarded to 4 recipients. The application information can be found on the WNCPA Web site.
Dr Benton also gave a medical up-date report. He pointed out the web site www.faa.gov and said that searching on DWI will lead to information regarding pilot reporting responsibilities. Also there are new blood thinners available that require less monitoring.
David Shields reported that WNC Aviation is stocking some Sectionals. Also that AB Tech is moving toward the possibility of opening an aviation course of study.
Cindy Carter announced the programs for the next few months:
Feb – WINGS Program, The Ups and Downs of an Instrument Proficiency Check
Mar – Lighter Than Air, Hot Air Ballooning
There will be a number of WINGS Programs throughout the year.
Nancy Marstall reported that representatives of the Pilots Association and the Educational Foundation will make a presentation of information to the AVL Airport Authority Board at their April meeting.
Adjourned: 7:42 p.m.
The Program was presented by Cindy Carter entitled “True Confessions”. Three pilots told of close calls and lessons learned.
Submitted By: Gil Carlson, WNCPA Secretary.
WNC Pilots Association
General Meeting Minutes
Date: February 18, 2014
Location: WNC Aviation
Call to order: 7:00 p.m. by President, Nancy Marstall
14 visitors were welcomed.
Secretary’s Report: Approved
Treasurer’s Report: The WNCPA Treasury Balance is $10,231.66. The Treasurer’s report was approved.
Membership Chairperson: Most of the renewals are in and there have been some new applications for membership turned in.
Tim Anderson – Fly Outs: Third Saturday Fly Outs for Lunch, March: London, KY London-Corbin (LOZ), later changed to Greenville Downtown (GMU), April: Charlotte, NC Charlotte Douglas (CLT) Tour of Carolinas Aviation Museum, May: Pensacola, FL (PNS), two-day Fly Out with tour of National Naval Aviation Museum. Check our Web Site for current information. Contact Tim with news contributions and photos for the Web Site Flywncpa.org.
Darwin Jones – Invited people to join our Yahoo Group.
Marty Kretchman, General Manager of Landmark Aviation at AVL – Landmark has moved into their newly renovated facilities. The gate to the ramp in front of the new location now has the possibilities of higher use issues. Solutions are in the works. A self-service avgas pump with a lower price per gallon is in the plans. Please don’t park autos on the ramp directly in front of the south door of the current Landmark facility as this is an aircraft loading area.
David Shields, Chief Pilot and Manager Of WNC Aviation – AB Tech is continuing toward establishing an Aviation Department.
Dr. Ruffin Benton – Talked about the importance of the accuracy of the answers to questions on the medical exam.
WNCPA is having some shirts with logos made and available soon.
Gil Carlson gave a “North Carolina First in Flight” presentation of a piece of NC Aviation history.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:28 p.m.
The program was a WINGS program. Presenter: Mal Beckham Topic: IPC
Submitted by Gil Carlson, WNCPA Secretary
WNC Pilots Association
General Meeting Minutes
Date: March 18, 2014
Location: WNC Aviation
Call to order: 7:02 p.m. by President, Nancy Marstall
Visitors were welcomed.
We had a great Fly-out to GMU last Saturday. 18 people (in 9 planes) took part.
Tim Anderson has earned his tail wheel endorsement.
Susan Van Fleet was congratulated for the successful ribbon cutting at the Hickory Airport.
Secretary’s Report: Approved
Treasurer’s Report: The WNCPA Treasury Balance is $10,114.11. The Treasurer’s report was approved.
Monthly Reports:
Tim Anderson: We have established a new Email address that will be used for contacting members. Look for it and save it from being consigned to the spam can.
Fly-outs: Apr 18: Carolinas Aviation Museum at the Charlotte Douglas Airport – CLT Wilson Aviation FBO and Mr K’s Restaurant. Then the afternoon at the museum. May 16 & 17: Pensacola, two day Fly-out with tour of National Naval Aviation Museum. Tim Anderson also had a report – the GMU cross runway will be closed for a few more weeks. A survey from GMU was handed out for users to give feedback.
Programs – Darwin Jones
Apr: Stress in the Cockpit, presented by Cindy Carter (WINGS program)
May: Chief pilot from MAMA
Jun: Flying Cross Country, presented by John Gaitskill (WINGS program)
Jul: Cook Out
Fly a Controller: Ruffin Benton will soon receive a list of Controllers that will participate.
WNCPA pilots who want to participate can sign up.
Educational Foundation: Two applications for scholarships have been received. The deadline is April 15.
Aviation Day is September 10. The Association is looking for volunteer pilots with planes.
Medical Update: Dr Benton spoke about compliance regarding medication.
Nancy Marstall showed us cards that we can carry, with WNCPA meeting and other information. She made them available to members that could use them to promote the Association The WNC Air Museum will hold their 25 annual event June 7 and 8.
NC First in Flight: Gil Carlson discussed Aviation in NC from 1585 to 1972.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.
The program was presented by Buck and Louise Edgerton from Asheville Hot Air Balloons.
Submitted by Gil Carlson, WNCPA Secretary
WNC Pilots Association
General Meeting Minutes
Date: April 15, 2014
Location: WNC Aviation at Asheville Regional Airport
Call to order: 6:50 p.m. by President, Nancy Marstall
Six visitors were welcomed.
Secretary’s Report: Approved
Treasurer’s Report: The WNCPA Treasury Balance is $10,271.42. The Treasurer’s report was approved.
Monthly Reports:
Jan Jones spoke about availability of WNCPA shirts and other items. Order forms are available.
Programs – Darwin Jones:
May: Chief pilot for MAMA
Jun: Flying Cross Country, presented by John Gaitskill (WINGS program)
Fly-outs -Tim Anderson:
Apr. 18: Carolinas Aviation Museum at the Charlotte Douglas Airport – CLT. First to Wilson Aviation FBO and Mr K’s Restaurant. Then the afternoon to the museum. (John Gaitskill met with pilots going to CLT with information about flying into B Airspace).
May 16 & 17: Pensacola, two day Fly-out with tour of National Naval Aviation Museum
Educational Foundation -Ruffin Benton:Nine applications for scholarships have been received. The deadline is midnight tonight.
The WNC Air Museum will hold their 25th annual event June 7 and 8. They are looking for a Cessna 182 or 206 for launching skydivers.
Transylvania Community Airport is having a Fly-in/Cook-out, May 17th. Check the Web Site for information.
Hickory Airport has an event on April 26th.
Adjournment 7:10
Members of the Charlotte FSDO were introduced: Manager – Mark Kramer
Supervisor – Jeffrey Phipps
Supervisor – Randy DeBerry
They were present to award WNCPA Member Darwin Jones with the Wright Brothers “Master Pilot” Award. The award is presented by the Department of Transportation and the Federal Aviation Administration. A question and answer time with the FSDO representatives followed.
The program was “Stress in the Cockpit,” presented by Cindy Carter (WINGS program).
Submitted by Gil Carlson, WNCPA Secretary
WNC Pilots Association
General Meeting Minutes
Date: May 20, 2014
Location: WNC Aviation at Asheville Regional Airport
Call to order: 6:59 p.m. by President, Nancy Marstall
Four visitors were welcomed.
Secretary’s Report: Approved
Treasurer’s Report: Balance $9,480.64
Membership: One new member was announced – Jim Blackburn.
It was announced that WNCPA monogrammed shirts are available for $20.
Programs: June – WINGS Program, Planning a Cross-Country Flight
July – Annual Cook-out, no program
Aug – WINGS Program, Stabilized Approach
Fly-outs:June 28 (4th Saturday) – London, KY (LOZ)
July 19 – Avery Co/Morrison (7A8)
Aug 16 – Charlotte (CLT)
Last week eight aircraft and 20 people participated in the two day fly-out to Pensacola and tour of the National Naval Aviation Museum. Garry Hancock and Tim Anderson organized the fly-out.
WNCPA Education Foundation:
2013 Scholarships: Of the recipients of the 2013 scholarships, Rheta Perkins has earned her Private Pilot certificate, Mark Stepp has earned his Private Pilot certificate, Patrick Reynolds has advanced toward his next rating, and Deanna Linke has also advanced toward her next rating. A letter of appreciation from recipient Rheta Perkins was read. It spoke of goals, dreams, and overcoming. 2014 Scholarships: $7,000 will be parceled out and awarded this year. The Selection Committee will meet on the 21st to review the applications. New by-laws have passed to conform the Foundation to the structure of an autonymous 501(c)3 organization.
Randy Bagby told of the annual formation Memorial Day fly-over Brevard in honor of Veterans.
WNC Air Museum will hold its annual Air Fair June 7&8.
WNCPA contact cards are available for any who can use them to promote the WNCPA.
Audiovisual equipment purchase report: Gil Carlson reported that the Association has purchased a video projectorthat will be used tonight in the program. A sound system will be purchased and available for next month.
First in Flight Report: Gil Carlson told of the 1910 efforts to make Weaverville an aviation center.
Adjournment: 7:40 p.m.
The program was presented by Martin Beckman, Safety Manager and pilot (since 1985) for the helicopter ambulance program, MAMA
Submitted by: Gil Carlson Secretary
WNC Pilots Association
General Meeting Minutes
June 17, 2014
Location: WNC Aviation – Lacy Griffin Building
Call to order: 6:58 p.m.
Two visitors welcomed
May Minutes: approved
Membership: Jan Jones – Membership forms are available and new applications were encouraged.
WNCPA monogrammed items: Jan Jones – shirts and hats are in stock and others can be ordered.
WNCPA website: Tim Anderson – A link to an AOPA on-line survey has been put on the site. All pilots are encouraged to consider taking part.
Fly-outs: Tim Anderson – June 28th London, KY (LOZ)
July 19th Charlotte, NC (CLT) Carolina Air Museum
Programs: Darwin Jones -JulyAnnual Cookout, no program
Aug(WINGS Program) Stabilized Approaches – Darwin Jones
SeptPublic Benefit Flying
Asheville Regional Airport Executive Director, Lew Bleiweis reported on the AVL redevelopment project. The firehouse will be finished by August. Paving of the new taxiway (temporary runway) is in progress (7000’ X 100’). Phase I construction started this week and is scheduled for completion by the end of December. Next year the runway will be repaved and then designated 17/35 – asphalt. ILS will only be on 17 during the temporary use of the taxiway as runway. The highway intersections of I-26 / Airport Road and entrances to the airport are being rebuilt. South part of the airport property will have a Triangle Stop Marathon Gas Station. There will also be development on the other side of the road. There is legislation in process in Raleigh to annex the airport from the city. Commercial passenger traffic is up 14% from last year.
Landmark Aviation: General Manager, Marty Kretchman is taking a new corporate position within Landmark, as Director of Transitions, and will move to the Houston office. Marty introduced his successor here at AVL. He is Chuck Buckland, coming here from Cleveland.
Educational Foundation: Ruffin Benton reported that four recipients have been selected for the 2014 Educational Grants. The grants totaling $7000 will be awarded at the July meeting, July 15, 2014.
Other announcements: David Shields from WNC Aviation reported that AB Tech is continuing to move forward on plans for an aviation ground school program. It may open by the fall of 2015.
Audio Visual: Gil Carlson – The new audio visual equipment was used in the meeting and made available for examination.
Fly a controller: Ruffin Benton – Four controllers have signed up to fly with our volunteer pilots.
Adjournment: 7:29 p.m.
A short First in Flight instructional presentation on tie down was given by Gil Carlson.
Program: A WINGS program was presented by John Gaitskill – VFR Flight Planning.
Submitted by Gil Carlson, Secretary
WNC Pilots Association
General Meeting Minutes
July, 2014
Each year in July, we host a cookout instead of our regular monthly meeting. There was no General Meeting.
WNC Pilots Association
General Meeting Minutes
Date: August 19, 2014
Location: WNC Aviation at Asheville Regional Airport
Call to order: 6:54 p.m. by President, Nancy Marstall
One visitor was welcomed
About 40 people were present
Secretaries Report: Approved
Treasures Report: Balance $8,413.27
Philip Creasman, one of the grant recipients of the WNCPA Educational Foundation, completed his Private Pilot check ride last Saturday.
Jan Jones reported that there were WNCPA shirts available to be purchased.
Tim Anderson Reported a successful Fly-out to CLT on August 16th.
Future Fly-outs: September – is tentatively planned for Avery County (7A8)
October – Shelby (EHO)
Tim also reported that pictures have been posted on the Website of the CLT Fly-out and the unveiling ceremony of the Col Robert Morgan monument in downtown Asheville in an area between the Court House and City Hall.
Darwin Jones announced the September program is to be a presentation on The Stabilized Approach.
Nancy Marstall reported that six Association officers and members represented the Association and Foundationby giving a presentation during the August Asheville Regional Airport Authority Board Meeting. A ground breaking ceremony of the airport’s project SOAR followed.
Lew Bleiweis reported that the new AVL Public Safety Facility ribbon cutting will take place on August 20th.
Darwin Jones recognized Patrick Reynolds, a 2013 scholarship recipient. Patrick has competed certification as a CFI.
David Shields announced that new charts and sectionals are in and available at WNC Aviation.
The annual Triple Tree Fly-in was announced.
Adjournment: 7:06 p.m.
Mark Kramer, Manager of FSDO in Charlotte and three others from that office were introduced.
Mark Kramer presented Ken Hawkins with The Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award.
Mark Kramer introduced the FSDO Airworthiness Supervisor, Randy DeBerry.
Randy DeBerry presented Cindy Carter with the FAASTeam Representative of the Year Award for 2013.
The Program was Public Benefit Flying. Darwin Jones was the presenter.
Submitted by: Gil Carlson Secretary
WNC Pilots Association
General Meeting Minutes
Date: September 16, 2014
Location: WNC Aviation at Asheville Regional Airport
Call to order: 6:56 p.m. by President, Nancy Marstall
Five visitors were welcomed
About 47 people were present
Secretary’s Report: Approved
Treasurer’s Report: Balance $7,667.35
Membership (Jan Jones): Jan Jones invited each visitor to pick up a membership application. She also announced that invitations for the Christmas dinner would soon be sent out to members.
Monogrammed items for sale: Jan Jones listed WNCPA shirts and caps that are available.
Fly-out Report (Tim Anderson): September – Greenville Downtown (GMU), Runway Café, October – Shelby (EHO)
Scenic Flights: Nancy Marstall and Tim Anderson reported that there are nine pilots and aircraft participating in the annual Scenic Flights on October 25th and 26th. Volunteers are needed on the ground to register passengers and facilitate loading and unloading of planes. There is a downloadable poster on the WNCPA website that can be printed by anyone and posted to promote the two day event.
Nominating Committee (Tim Anderson and Garry Hancock): The names of David Bolser and Susan VanFleet were presented by the committee as nominees to fill two positions on the WNCPA Board as Directors. The floor was opened for other nominations. A motion was made and seconded to close the nominations. The vote for the motion was called and it passed. A vote for these candidates will be taken in the October meeting.
Program Report (Darwin Jones): October – Kevan Smith and David Nantz will give a presentation on Asheville Regional Airport Public Safety.
Christmas Dinner (Jan Jones): The dinner will be held on December 2nd at the Hilton in Biltmore Park. Invitations will be sent to members early. The President and CEO of the Aircraft Owner’s and Pilot’s Association, Mark Baker, will be the speaker.
Announcements: David Shields announced a softball tournament in Black Mountain to raise funds for the Wounded Warriors is organizing an aircraft flyover and is looking for volunteers.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:22 p.m.
Gil Carlson gave a First in Flight report about Marine Aviator Lt Col William Rankin.
Darwin Jones introduced David Moore from South Wings – “Conservation Through Aviation” www.southwings.org
Submitted by: Gil Carlson, Secretary
WNC Pilots Association
General Meeting Minutes
Date: October 21, 2014
Location: WNC Aviation at Asheville Regional Airport
Call to order: 6:58 p.m. by President, Nancy Marstall
Five visitors were welcomed
Secretary’s Report: Approved
Treasurer’s Report: Balance $7,667.35
Reports and Announcements:
General Manager of Landmark Aviation, Chuck Buckland: The self-service fuel tank project has had a short delay. Lightning destroyed some of the electronics. There will be a weekend special on fuel through the end of the year – $.75 per gal off the posted price.
Two members that will rotate off the board were recognized for their service to the Association: Ruffin Benton and John Mitchell
Election of two new Board of Director members: Nominees, Dave Bolser and Susan VanFleet were elected by voice vote.
Jan Jones announced that membership renewal information will be mailed in December. She also mentioned that more of the Association monogrammed shirts have come in and are available.
Tim Anderson encouraged us to look at the additions to the website as well as Face Book. Tim also spoke of the November 8th Fly – out to the St Simons (KSSI) AOPA event.
The Scenic Rides will take place this Saturday and Sunday. 12 pilots and planes are ready and so far 92 passengers have pre-registered. Darwin Jones has procured some safety vests for the logistics crew. Tim Anderson announced a 9:00 meeting for pilots and 9:30 meeting for the ground crew. Nancy Marstall spoke of the safety provisions and the coordination with the FAA and the Asheville Tower.
Darwin Jones announced the November meeting program will be a presentation from the AVL Regional Airport about the SOAR project, that is, the airport construction projects.
It was announced that John Gaitskill received Lead Representative Award from FAASTeam for North Carolina.
Christmas Dinner: Jan Jones said that invitations to members have been mailed. Reservations are required. The dinner will be held on December 2nd at the Hilton in Biltmore Park. The President and CEO of the Aircraft Owner’s and Pilot’s Association, Mark Baker, will be the speaker.
David Shields announced that AB Tech has taken one more step in the establishment of their Aviation Department. They have submitted their ground school plans for approval. It was noted that David Shields is now a Flight Instructor Examiner.
WNCPA Educational Foundation: Ruffin Benton reported that there has been a significant response to the Bob Carter Memorial Fund. Also, the Foundation board is working on innovative ways to structure the scholarships to be offered next year. An update was given on the certification and job successes of four previous scholarship recipients.
Dr Benton also gave some updates on FAA requirements for pilots taking insulin.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:33 p.m.
Gil Carlson gave a First in Flight presentation, pointing out the locations of 13 former airports in the Asheville area.
The program was about AVL Regional Airport operations and safety. It was presented by David Nantz, Operations Director, and Kevan Smith, Public Safety Chief.
Submitted by Gil Carlson, Secretary
WNC Pilots Association
General Meeting Minutes
Date: November 18, 2014
Location: WNC Aviation at Asheville Regional Airport
The meeting was called to order by President Nancy Marstall at 6:55 p.m.
Number Present: 51
Two visitors were acknowledged and welcomed.
The presentation of the October Minutes was approved.
The Treasurer reported a balance of $14,564.40.
A reminder was made that with winter season approaching, any meeting cancellation will be posted on the website.
Chuck Buckland, Manager of Landmark Aviation reported:
- There will be a reoccurring weekend special on fuel.
- The commissioning of the new self-service pumps is delayed because of a lightning caused electronic control failure.
A member offered three older headsets to anyone/s that could use them.
A Scenic Flight Event Recap was made:
- Weather was good for the two day event.
- 12 pilot volunteers with planes participated.
- 91 Scenic Flights were made 190 passengers were given rides.
- Passengers included a number of visitors to the area – from as far away as Arizona and Hawaii.
- The success of the event was attributed to much work by many people in the areas of publicity, logistic planning, ground crew, pilots, control tower personnel, WNC Aviation, Landmark Aviation, and the Charlotte FAA office. There was approximately $6,100 collected.
Christmas Dinner Update:
- December 2, 2014
- Biltmore Park Hilton Speaker Mark Baker, President and CEO of AOPA
- Participating also – Tom Haines, Editor in Chief of AOPA Pilot
Membership Report:
- Renewal applications will be mailed in the next few days.
- There were two new members.
- There are WNCPA shirts and caps in stock and for sale.
Fly-out Report:
- There was a good participation in the AOPA SE Regional Fly-in at St. Simons Island, Georgia
- First Fly-outs for 2015 – Jan: Hickory, February: Winder
- January – Member, Jim Blackburn will speak on his experience flying the Harrier aircraft.
Medical Update:
- Doctor Benton talked about pilot medicals.
Member News:
- Cindy Carter has received her Tailwheel (i.e., “conventional” gear) endorsement.
- John Gaitskill told of Lockheed Martin Flight Service and handed out www.1800wxbrief.com cards.
Meeting adjourned at 7:31 p.m.
The guest presenter was Mike Reisman, Deputy Executive Director of Development and Operations at the Asheville Regional Airport. The program was about the inner-workings and ongoing plans of the Airport.
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