WNCPA Board Meeting
January 5, 2012
Landmark Aviation, Asheville Regional Airport
Call to Order: 7:06 p.m.
Board Members Present:
President – Garry Hancock
Vice President – Nancy Marstall
Secretary – Gil Carlson
Treasurer – Don Short
Membership Chairman – Elizabeth Henry
Immediate Past President – Henry Johnson
Directors: Randy Bagby, Ruffin Benton, Frank Henry, and Craig Kirkpatrick
Agenda approved
Minutes approved
Treasurer’s Report approved:
Checking $8765.05 (including Scholarship Fund)
Savings 1343.68
Total $10108.73
Scholarship Fund:
10% General Fund 1/1/2012 $ 930
Donations from 2011 $ 275
Donations in 2012 $ 155
Total to date $1360
Membership: There are 60 paid members so far this year.
Old Business:
1 We will have a 50/50 raffle at each membership meeting. Half of the funds received are given to the winner and half is added to the Scholarship fund.
2 We will encourage businesses and others to give items to be used as door prizes. The donator of the item will be announced when the winning prize is given. We will look for prizes from restaurants, other businesses and aviation services.
New Business:
1 We will file the required tax report for Federal and State
Member, Will Crook, will do the corporate tax work and receive a year’s membership as a token of our gratitude.
2 The annual insurance premiums for D&O, liability, will be paid as due.
3 Garry Hancock will pick up and hold the second mailbox key.
4 Dave Olday will continue maintaining the Association Web Site and will receive his 2012 membership as our expression of gratitude.
5 We are looking for a volunteer to help with Web Site maintenance when Dave is not available.
6 Items for sale can be posted on the association’s Web Site. The following rules apply:
A The first two postings each year by a member will not be charged.
B Except as above, the cost of a posting is $25.
C Each posting is limited to two lines of description, plus contact information.
Fly Outs:
Monthly – 1st Friday BBQ at Morganton 11:30 – 2:00
In-the-works – An overnight to the Air Museum in Dayton in April or May
Fly a Controller Program: Robert Poole is heading this program
Leaf Flights: We are looking into the possibility of a Spring Scenic Fight.
Asheville Airport authority: Next Meeting scheduled for February 3rd, 8:30 a.m., 2nd floor of the terminal building.
Upcoming Programs: (tentative)
Jan – Collision and weather system
Feb – Alliance for Aviation across America
Mar – John Gates / Wings – Night flying
Apr – Jake Crouch / Wings
May – Darwin Jones / Wings
Jun – Cindy Carter / Wings – Runway Incursion
July – Cookout
Aug – John Gates / developing good judgment
New Members approved: Peggy Brann. Martha Carson, Barbara Gucinski, Gwenneth Hobson, Julian Hobson, June Judson, Kathy Kelly, Karen Short, Mimi Turner.
New Corporate Member: Landmark Aviation
Adjournment: 8:28 p.m.
Submitted By:
Gil Carlson
WNC Pilots Association Board Meeting
February 7, 2012
Called to order at 7:05 at Landmark Aviation
Board Members Present:
President – Garry Hancock
Vice President – Nancy Marstall
Secretary – Gil Carlson
Treasurer – Don Short
Membership Chairman – Elizabeth Henry
Immediate Past President – Henry Johnson
Directors: Tim Anderson, Randy Bagby, Ruffin Benton, Frank Henry, Phil Kelley, and Craig Kirkpatrick
Agenda approved
Minutes Of last board meeting approved
Treasurer’s Report approved:
Checking $9391.42 (including Scholarship Fund)
Savings 1343.97
Total $10735.39
Scholarship Fund:
Total to date $1360
Membership: There are 112 paid members so far this year.
50/50 Raffle: $82
The Scholarship Committee, Nancy Marstall – Chairperson, was given the task of creating a written criteria for board approval, for choosing scholarship recipients.
Fly-Out Events: Feb 18th, Shelby (KEHO) – Flying Pig BBQ for lunch
March 2nd – 1st Friday BBQ at Morganton 11:30 – 2:00
March 18th, Greenwood
May 12th, Halifax North – Wings and Wheels
TBA – USAF Museum, Dayton, Ohio
Programs: February – Bernadette Kitts Darnell, Angel Flight of Georgia
March – Wings
New Business:
New Members approved: Sam Gibbs, Allen Leduc, Cole McKibbin, Larry Nelson, Patrick Reynolds, Jeanne Szokol
Feb 21st Member Meeting – Chili Cook-off
Adjournment: 7:43 p.m.
Submitted By:
Gil Carlson
WNC Pilots Association Board Meeting
March 6, 2012
Called to order at 7:00 at Landmark AviationBoard Members Present:
President – Garry Hancock
Vice President – Nancy Marstall
Secretary – Gil Carlson
Treasurer – Don Short Membership Chairman – Elizabeth Henry
Immediate Past President – Henry Johnson
Directors: Tim Anderson, Randy Bagby, Ruffin Benton, Frank Henry, Phil Kelley, and
Craig Kirkpatrick Agenda: ApprovedReports:
Minutes Of last board meeting approved Treasurer’s Report approved:
Checking $9950.60 (including Scholarship Fund)
Savings 1344.30
Total $11294.90 Scholarship Fund:
Total to date $1536.00Committee Reports:
Scholarship Committee – Nancy Marstall, Chairperson
The Scholarship Committee submitted a document titled
Western North Carolina Pilots Association
Aviation Education Fund 2012
Grant Application ProceduresThe board voted to adopt. The full document is attached.
The Board also adopted recommendations of policy as presented by the committee. Fly-Outs: Tim Anderson and John Mitchell
March 17 – Hickory (HKY) for lunch
USAF Museum, Dayton – 18 have signed up so far. Programs – Cindy Carter
March 20 – Wings Program, John Gaitkill, Night IFR procedures and VFR flight following procedures.
April 14 – The guest speaker for our Mountain Wings program this year is a Tuskegee Airmen Historian. www.tuskegeeair-nc.org
The Board agreed to donate $300 to the Tuskegee Airman Historical Chapter in Goldsboro which is represented by our guest speaker. The local EAA Chapter and Landmark Aviation are also contributing to bring this speaker to Mountain Wings.
The April, May and June General Meeting will all be Wings meetings.
New Members Approved: John Ellenberg and Kenneth McAbee March Membership Meeting: The food will be SUBS and the door prize pot now
includes donated gift certificates from Bubbas BBQ and Dunkin Donuts.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:06 p.m.
Submitted by WNCPA Secretary Gil Carlson
WNC Pilots Association Board Meeting
April 3, 2012
Called to order at 7:05 at Landmark Aviation
Board Members Present:
President – Garry Hancock
Vice President – Nancy Marstall
Secretary – Gil Carlson
Treasurer – Don Short
Membership Chairman – Elizabeth Henry
Immediate Past President – Henry Johnson
Directors: Tim Anderson, Randy Bagby, Ruffin Benton,
Frank Henry, Phil Kelley, and Craig Kirkpatrick
Minutes of last board meeting approved
Treasurer’s Report approved:
Checking $9646.46 (including Scholarship Fund)
Savings $1344.59
Scholarship Fund:
Total to date $1930
April 17 General Mtg. – Wings Program: Jake Crouch Mountain Weather Flying
April 14 Mountain Wings
Clarion Hotel Airport Road
8:00 a.m. Registration begins
9:00 a.m. Program begins
The guest speaker for the Mountain Wings program is a
Tuskegee Airmen Historian. www.tuskegeeair-nc.org
Fly-Out Events:
April 6th – 1st Friday BBQ at Morganton 11:30 – 2:00
April 21st – Hickory
Plans are being finalized for a late spring overnight fly-out
to the USAF Museum, Dayton, Ohio
Old Business:
Board action clarified that the previously approved $300 donation to the
Mountain Wings program could be used as follows:
$100 will be given to the Goldsboro Tuskegee Airman Chapter.
$200 will be available for providing hotel provided amenities for the event.
New Business:
The Board decided to continue to take steps toward creating a separate
501.c3 corporation for the purpose of promoting aviation education
and training advancement.
The Board decided to find ways to be involved with the Asheville Airport
in the Second Annual Runway 5K & Aviation Day.
April 17th General Meeting food – Pizza
Adjournment: 7:55 p.m.
Submitted By: Gil Carlson, Secretary
WNC Pilots Association Board Meeting
May 1, 2012
Landmark Aviation
Meeting called to order at 7:03 p.m. by President, Garry Hancock.
Board Members Present:
President – Garry Hancock
Vice President – Nancy Marstall
Secretary – Gil Carlson
Membership Chairman – Elizabeth Henry
Immediate Past President – Henry Johnson
Directors: Tim Anderson, Randy Bagby, Ruffin Benton,
Frank Henry, Phil Kelley, and Craig Kirkpatrick
The Minutes of the last meeting: Approved
Treasure’s Report: Approved Checking 9500.54 Including $2070.00 – Scholarship Fund
Savings 1344.59
Committee Reports:
1. Programs: May –- Darwin Jones
“Could you, Would you, Should you?”
Impossible turns and panic pull
2. Fly—outs
May 4th — Morganton
May 24 &25 – USAF Museum, Dayton
3. Scholarship Committee: Nine applications have been received
4. Report on formation of a 501.c3 — Education Fondation
Initial articles of corporation have been submitted to the Secretary of State
A first draft of the By Laws will be distributed to Board Members
5. Asheville Regional Airport Second Aviation Day & Runway Run — October 6, 2012
New Business:
New Member Approval — Benton Rooks
Food for May Meeting — Subs
Adjournment: 7:46
Submitted by : Gil Carlson, Secretary
WNC Pilots Association Board Meeting
June 5, 2012
Landmark Aviation
Meeting called to order at 8:05 p.m. by President, Garry Hancock.
Board Members Present:
President – Garry Hancock
Vice President – Nancy Marstall
Membership Chairman – Elizabeth Henry
Program Chairman – Cindy Carter
Immediate Past President – Henry Johnson
Directors – Randy Bagby, Frank Henry, Phil Kelley, and Craig Kilpatrick
Visitor – Neil Kendrick (substitute Secretary)
Minutes of the last meeting approved
The Treasurer’s report was presented by Garry Hancock on behalf of Donald Short,
Treasurer. Checking account balance: $9896.55 (including $2512.00 Scholarship Fund)
Savings account balance: $1345.01
Committee Reports:
- Programs: June — Cindy Carter – “Hey tower, did I do something wrong?”
- Fly-outs: June 16th fly-out cancelled (Father’s Day weekend). Craig Kilpatrick and Ruffin Benton will organize a future fly-out to the Navy Air Museum in Florida.
- Education Foundation formation: 1st draft of Educational Foundation Bylaws reviewed. Phil Kelley will make corrections to Bylaws and e-mail corrected copies. Garry Hancock made a motion to appointment Phil Kelley Secretary of the Education Foundation until elections in October 2012. Seconded by Frank Henry. Motion carried.
- Leaf Flight 2012: Cindy Carter volunteered to head Leaf Flight 2012. Leaf Flight to 2012 will be October 6, 2012 to correspond with Asheville Airport’s Second Annual Aviation Day and Runway Run.New Business:
New Member Approval — Arthur R. Volz
Food for June Meeting — Subs
Nancy Marstall volunteered to preside over June General Membership Meeting.
Adjourned at 8:04 p.m.
Submitted by: Neil Kendrick, WNCPA member
WNC Pilots Association Board Meeting
July, 2012
Landmark Aviation
Board Members Present: President – Garry Hancock
Vice Preesident – Nancy Marstall
Membership Chairman – Elizabeth Henry
Treasurer – Don Short
Program Chairman – Cindy Carter
Immediate Past President – Henry Johnson Directors – Frank Henry, Randy Bagby, Ruffin Benton, Tim Anderson
Minutes of last board meeting were approved.
Treasurer’s report:
Savings- $1,345.17
Checking- $10,402.77 Including $3,000 in Education Scholarship Fund.
It was announced that at the July Cook-out, Ann Osmer will present one of the scholarships to honor her for her donations and efforts on behalf of the Fund.
Flyouts – None planned.
The Scholarship Selection was announced and the vote on applicants was approved. Recipients are: Rheta Perkins and Grant Smith.
Discussion concerning the payment of funds for use by recipients followed: It was suggested that we limit the time for this year’s use of funds to the 11 months remaining until June 30, 2013 at which time all remaining funds will be returned to the Education Fund. For Grant Smith, a check for $500 will be sent to John Fadok at Aeroliner until used by the student, then additional checks for $500 as used, to $1,500. For Rheta Perkins, same arrangement will be made with Civil Air Patrol. Henry, Nancy and Cindy will make the arrangements.
A motion was made, seconded and vote approved for these arrangements.
Education Scholarship Corporation by-laws were approved as revised.
The use of the 50/50 drawing will be reviewed in September.
The October 6 Aviation Day and Leaf Flights at the Asheville Regional Airport was discussed. Inquiries will be made with a company doing tethered hot air balloon flights and with Tina at AVL concerning publicity and interviews and/or flights to promote the event.
Cindy was given go-ahead to get a speaker for the Christmas party which will be planned for December 4. Mal Beckham may be presented the Wright Brothers’ Award at the Christmas party.
The nominating committee for officers for 2013 will consist of Tim Anderson as head, assisted by Cindy Carter and will present slate at September meeting and will be voted on at October meeting. To be elected: Two 3 year board members and Membership Chairman.
Meeting adjourned.
Submitted by Elizabeth Henry
Western North Carolina Pilots Association
Minutes of the board meeting on August 7, 2012
Called to order – : 7:05
Minutes of last board meeting were approved.
Treasurer’s report:
- Savings- $1,344.59
- Checking- $10,894.02 Including $3,000 in Education Scholarship Fund.
Committee Reports:
- Program: August meeting wil be and open forum with tower controllers
- Flyout: August 18th – Shelby lunch at Flying Pig BBQ
- Scholarship: Rita Perkins was presented a scholarship at the July cook out Grant Smith will be a scholarship at the August meeting
- Nominating Committee: Members Darwin Jones and Don Watson were added to the committee
- Education Foundation: Papers will be filed for 501(c)(3) status
AVL Day and Leaf Flight – Oct 6 Interesting displays are being added and still open for more We are looking for pilot/owners to help with the Leaf Flight
New Business: New members approved – Fyffe Aschenbrenner and Ron Harris
Food for the September meeting will be BBQ
Adjournment: 7:45 Submitted by: Gil Carlson, Secretary
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