January 2011 WNCPA Board Meeting Minutes
Board meeting called to order by Henry Johnson, president, January 4, 2011 @ 1900 hours at the Landmark Aviation FBO conference room. Quorum present.
Don motions to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
Minutes for November 2010 meeting read by Neil Kendrick, secretary. John motioned to accept minutes as read. Motion carried.
Treasures report offered by John Mitchell. Savings & Checking: $8700.29. CD discussed. Board agrees to maintain funds as they are and to discuss transfer to CD at a later meeting.
Old/new Business:
Christmas party discussed. Consensus is that the event was a big success. John stated that all outstanding financial obligations related to the party had been paid.
Liability and D&O insurance discussed. Mark Wilson addressed the board and answered questions regarding insurance issues. A handout outlining general D&O insurance information distributed. Henry agreed to complete a D&O policy request form for the club so we could receive a quote.
Committee/ projects discussed. Cindy addressed the Board regarding the WNCPA education Fund. Handout distributed outlining proposal for qualifications, etc. for choosing a candidate and distributing funds to said candidate. $870.00 set a side within account for initial funding of education fund.
Goals for 2011 discussed. Items discussed included updating bylaws, continued support for WING’s events, leaf flight for the fall, and updating the organizations incorporation information with the state.
Website development discussed. Motion made by Don to have the board fund website upgrade, transfer and new domain name to be carried out by Dave Olday. Motion carried. Dave Olday to summit related bills to John for payment. Craig motioned that Dave Olday’s membership dues be waved for 1 year as a token of appreciation for his service r/t our website. Andy seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Programs discussed. January will be our annual appreciation program. Bob Southerlin has agreed to present at the February meeting. Cindy volunteered to e-mail program list for 2011 to all board members.
Food for January Meeting discussed. Bubba’a BBQ approved.
John motioned for adjournment. Meeting adjourned.
Minutes prepared by Neil Kendrick, secretary
February 2011 WNCPA Board Meeting Minutes
Board meeting called to order by Henry Johnson, president, February 1, 2011 @ 1900 hours at the Landmark Aviation FBO conference room. Quorum present.
Proposed agenda discussed. Agenda amended to include discussion of AOPA’s request for members to contact local representatives in regard to the GA caucus. Craig motioned to approve modified agenda. Modified agenda approved.
Minutes for January 2010 meeting read by Neil Kendrick, secretary. John motioned to accept minutes as read. Motion carried.
Treasures report offered by John Mitchell. Savings & Checking: $8943.46. Check to Dave Olday for $100 for internet/website expenses. Garry Hancock contributed $182 and Anne Osmer contributed $250 to the education fund to bring the 2011 education fund total to $1250. Tax filling for 2010 discussed. Henry agreed to contact Will Crook regarding the matter.
Old/New Business:
Committee projects and education fund discussed. Henry relays message from Cindy regarding two interested applicants. Nancy suggests offering donation and application opportunity to general membership at next meeting. John suggested asking Dave to add a small section to the website for education fund donations.
Liability and D&O insurance discussed. Henry stated that he had sent off D&O applications to two companies. Other carriers discussed. Insurance tabled until next meeting.
WNCPA business plan and bylaws discussed. Henry stated that the WNCPA business plan is ongoing. Andy, Henry, and Craig volunteered to work on updating bylaws.
Website discussed. New website is up and running. New information is being added on a regular basis. Dave has setup a new account with GO DADDY. Account with present provider will expire in February and will not be renewed. Several members mentioned that the site “looks great.”
GA caucus discussed. Don motioned that we as an organization contact Heath Schuler and ask him to join the GA caucus. Motion carried.
Upcoming programs discussed. Bob Southerlin will present a WING’s approved program as the February program. Mal Beckham will present “Night Flying” program at the March meeting.
Food discussed for February meeting. Sub sandwiches approved. Cost versed donations received discussed.
Fly out events for the organization discussed. Don suggested that we list local airport restaurants and upcoming events on our website.
Door prizes discussed. Elizabeth volunteers to address general membership regarding the placement of orders for hats and shirts. She also stated that membership renewal was going well.
Landmark-Odyssey merger discussed. New manager is Marty Kretchman. WNCPA board will be able to continue to meet at the Landmark FBO conference room.
Bob Carter has agreed to head the Leaf Flight 2011.
John motioned for adjournment. Meeting adjourned.
Minutes prepared by Neil Kendrick, secretary
March 2011 WNCPA Board Meeting Minutes
Board meeting called to order by Henry Johnson, president, March 1, 2011 @ 1905 hours at the Landmark Aviation FBO conference room. Quorum was present.
Proposed agenda discussed. Craig motioned to approve agenda. Agenda approved.
Minutes for January 2010 meeting read by Neil Kendrick, secretary. John motioned to accept amended minutes. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s report offered by John Mitchell. Savings & Checking: $10047.10 plus $30 of dues yet to be deposited. Transfer of funds to CD discussed. Board chose not to transfer funds to CD at this time. John agrees to monitor CD rates and keep the board informed. Henry stated that Will Crook volunteered to submit our 2010 tax returns.
Old/New Business:
GA caucus discussed. Henry volunteers to monitor this situation.
Free 2011 annual memberships for Will Crook and Dave Olday discussed. Elizabeth will contact Dave and Will regarding this matter.
Education fund discussed. Cindy stated that she e-mailed rules to everyone on her e-mail list. Educational offerings discussed. Cindy stated that she contacted the Air Force ROTC program at Erwin High School and would be presenting a program on “Learning to Fly.” Phil suggested setting up training classes to have some of us help with these types of programs.
Fly-in/fly-out events discussed.
D&O insurance discussed. Phil motioned that the board purchase the D&O insurance
Policy, Option 1, ($615) from the Hanover Insurance Group. Craig seconded the motion.
Motion carried. Henry volunteered to contact Mark Wilson regarding this purchase.
WNCPA bylaws discussed. Revised bylaws to be presented to general membership for a vote once approved by board.
Website including membership profiles discussed.
Business card changes discussed. John motioned for the board to purchase updated WWNCPA business cards. Motion carried. John will contact Garry Hancock to arrange purchase of revised cards.
Annual dues discussed. Andy motioned for an increase in annual dues to $25/$35 per year beginning in 2012. Motion carried. Craig motioned for the organization to offer a lifetime membership for $400/$500 (individual/ individual & spouse). Motion carried. Separate accounting for lifetime membership discussed.
AOPA presentation discussed. Phil suggested WNCPA sponsor an AOPA education offering on an upcoming Saturday. Cindy volunteered to present AOPA presentation at the Saturday Fly-In/ Pancake Breakfast. Date not yet determined.
Food for February meeting discussed. Annual chili cook-off will be held at the February meeting.
Hats and shirts discussed. Elizabeth agreed to continue offering custom orders at the general membership meetings.
Craig motioned for adjournment. Meeting adjourned.
Minutes prepared by Neil Kendrick, secretary
April 2011 WNCPA Board Meeting Minutes
Board meeting called to order by Henry Johnson, president, April 5, 2011 @ 1900 hours at the Landmark Aviation FBO conference room.
Board members and attendees present included: Henry Johnson, Randy “Baggs” Bagby, John Mitchell, Andy Guenette, Nancy Marstall, Craig Kilpatrick, Elizabeth & Frank Henry, Donald Short, Neil Kendrick and Cindy Carter.
Proposed agenda discussed. Andy motioned to approve agenda. Agenda approved.
Minutes for March 2010 meeting discussed. John motioned to accept amended minutes. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s report offered by John Mitchell.
Committee/Project reports
Education fund discussed.
Website and new organizational business cards discussed.
Bylaws discussed. Andy motioned that the board accept the bylaws as revised, have them placed on the website for review by the general membership. Motion carried. Cindy volunteered to contact Dave Olday regarding posting on the website.
Old/New Business
April program discussed. Cindy agreed to send out email encouraging members to attend and Bring technologies which they are presently using.
Cindy addressed the board regarding future programs.
WNCPA sponsored pancake breakfast and AOPA presentation discussed. We will need to rent or borrow tables, chairs, and PA system. Cindy stated that she was seeking suggestions for door prizes. A SPAN’s notice is to be sent out.
Board selected pizza for April meeting.
Nancy reminded everyone that ramp badges issued by the Airport Authority had a 1 year expiration and encouraged everyone to check and update as needed.
Craig motioned for adjournment. Meeting adjourned.
Minutes prepared by Neil Kendrick, secretary
May 2011 WNCPA Board Meeting Minutes
Board meeting called to order by Henry Johnson, president, May 3, 2011 @ 1900 hours at the Landmark Aviation FBO conference room.
Board members and attendees present included: Henry Johnson, Randy “Baggs” Bagby, Andy Guenette, Nancy Marstall, Elizabeth & Frank Henry, Donald Short, Neil Kendrick and Cindy & Bob Carter.
Proposed agenda discussed. Don motioned to approve agenda. Agenda approved.
Minutes for April 2010 meeting discussed. Don motioned to accept amended minutes. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s report offered by Donald Short.
Committee/Project reports
Education Fund discussed.
Pancake breakfast/ AOPA presentation discussed.
Bylaws discussed. Bylaws vote scheduled for next general membership meeting.
Old/New Business
Tax return for 2010 discussed. Henry stated that Will Crook had volunteered to represent WNCPA on tax matters. Board agrees to allow Will Crook to represent the organization on tax matters.
Future programs discussed. Cindy addressed the board regarding future programs.
Board selected sub-sandwiches for May meeting.
Elizabeth presented new membership applications to the board. The following applicants for membership into WNCPA were approved: Brandy Carson, Chris Carson, Priscilla Kendrick, Dave Panlier(?).
No Announcements
Elizabeth motioned for adjournment. Meeting adjourned.
Minutes prepared by Neil Kendrick, secretary
June 2011 WNCPA Board Meeting Minutes
Board meeting called to order by Henry Johnson, president, June 7, 2011 @ 1900 hours at the Landmark Aviation FBO conference room.
Board members and attendees present included: Henry Johnson, Randy “Baggs” Bagby, Nancy Marstall, Elizabeth & Frank Henry, Donald Short, Neil Kendrick and Cindy Carter.
Proposed agenda discussed. Don motioned to approve agenda. Agenda approved.
Minutes for April 2010 meeting discussed. Don motioned to accept amended minutes. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s report offered by Donald Short.
Committee/Project Reports
Education Fund presentation discussed. Education fund committee has met and chosen Christopher Hewitt as the 2011 recipient. The presentation will be made at the June meeting. Nancy volunteered to arrange a press release.
Elizabeth presented new membership applications to the board. Don motioned for the board to approve applicants Robert Field, Barbara Mathews, David Bolser, Hugh “Rocky” Fleming and George Krueger. All applications approved by the board as new members.
Pancake breakfast/ AOPA presentation discussed.
Organizational “Thank You” notes discussed. Baggs motioned for the board to approve the purchase of 100 organizational “Thank You” notes. Motion approved.
Leaf Flight 2011 discussed. Henry agrees to contact Craig regarding heading up the event. Fuel reimbursements discussed. Leaf flight discussion tabled until next meeting.
Old/New Business
2011 nominating committee discussed. Craig Kilpatrick, Cindy Carter, and Bob Carter appointed by board as 2011 nominating committee.
Future programs discussed. Cindy addressed the board regarding future programs.
Preliminary Christmas Party arrangements discussed. Further discussion table until future meeting.
Food for June meeting discussed. Elizabeth suggested “Mexican” or BBQ. Board approved “Mexican” with BBQ as a backup for the June meeting.
Elizabeth announced that she had ordered more organizational shirts.
Don motioned for adjournment. Meeting adjourned.
Minutes prepared by Neil Kendrick, secretary
July 2011 WNCPA Board Meeting Minutes
Board meeting called to order by Henry Johnson, president, July 5, 2011 @ 1905 hours at the Landmark Aviation FBO conference room.
Board members and attendees present included: Randy “Baggs” Bagby, Ruffin Benton, Elizabeth & Frank Henry, Henry Johnson, Neil Kendrick and Donald Short.
Proposed agenda discussed. Don made a motion to approve agenda. Agenda approved.
Minutes for June 2010 meeting discussed. A motion to accept amended minutes was presented by Baggs. The motion carried.
Elizabeth presented new membership application to the board. Henry made a motion requesting the board accept the application of John Dunham. Applicant approved by the board.
Treasurer’s report was offered by Donald Short. Savings: $1341.81, Checking: $8793.15, Total: $10,134.96
Committee, Project Reports, Old/New Business
July cookout discussed. No program scheduled for July meeting. Andy and Henry volunteered to help Don with grill setup. Elizabeth agreed to coordinate food for cookout.
Leaf Flight 2011 discussed. Leaf Flight scheduled to coincide with Asheville Regional Airport’s 50th anniversary celebration in mid-October. Henry agrees to work with Craig and get pilots lined up early to allow time to meet both FAR and insurance requirements.
Upcoming programs discussed.
Nominating committee progress discussed. Henry stated that Cindy e-mailed him a list of prospective candidates. Henry will forward the list to board members.
Randy announced an upcoming fly-in opportunity. Mid-air collision avoidance briefing to be held at Moore County ~ Pinehurst/Southern Pines Airport (SOP) August 12, 2011 from noon to 2pm local time. Lunch provided. Andy encouraged Randy to forward info to Dave Olday so he can update the website.
Ruffin announced an upcoming “History of Flight” fly-in opportunity coming to both Charlotte and Raleigh featuring a flying B-17. Flights on the B-17 will be available.
Elizabeth motioned for adjournment. Meeting adjourned.
Minutes prepared by Neil Kendrick, secretary
August 2011 WNCPA Board Meeting Minutes
Board meeting called to order by Henry Johnson, president, August 2, 2011 @ 1905 hours at the Landmark Aviation FBO conference room.
Board members and attendees present included: Randy “Baggs” Bagby, Ruffin Benton, Cindy Carter, Elizabeth & Frank Henry, Henry Johnson, Phil Kelley, Neil Kendrick, Craig Kirkpatrick, and Donald Short.
Proposed agenda discussed. Don made a motion to approve amended agenda. Agenda approved.
Minutes for July 2010 meeting discussed. Randy made a motion to accept amended minutes. The motion to accept amended minutes carried.
Elizabeth presented new membership application to the board. Henry made a motion for the board to approve Jan Jones’ application. Applicant approved by the board. Elizabeth stated that the organization presently has a little over 100 active members.
Treasurer’s report prepared by John Mitchell was presented by Donald Short. Savings: $1342.15, Checking: $7072.36, Total: $8414.51.
Committee/Project Reports
Education Fund discussed. Cindy and Henry agreed to collaborate on a news release regarding our recent education fund recipient and send release to both the local papers as well as to AOPA.
Old/New Business
WNCPA notecard purchase discussed. Elizabeth made a motion requesting the organization reimburse Cindy Carter $136.64 for the 200 notecards with envelopes received from printer. The motion carried.
Nominating committee progress discussed. Cindy stated that the following people had been contacted and agreed to nomination for the following positions: President — Garry Hancock, Vice-president — Nancy Marstall, Secretary — Gill Carlson, Treasurer — Donald Short, Board Members (3 year terms) — Ruffin Benton & Tim Anderson, Nancy’s Marstall’s vacated seat (1 year) — Neil Kendrick, and Andy Guenette’s vacated seat (1 year) — Frank Henry. Elizabeth Henry has agreed to continue as membership chairman. Cindy Carter volunteered to organize and chair a programs committee for 2012. Craig Kirkpatrick volunteered to serve on the programs committee.
Leaf Flight 2011 discussed. Leaf Flight scheduled to coincide with Asheville Regional Airport’s 50th anniversary celebration October 1st. The Airport Authority is expecting about 2000 visitors for this event. The leaf flight is scheduled to begin at 10am and end at 2pm. Pilots are needed. Paperwork as well as insurance requirements will need to be finalized in early September.
Reimbursement options for fuel discussed. Elizabeth volunteered to deliver a membership roster to Landmark Aviation. Membership roster had been requested by Landmark for membership fuel discount. Charge for airplane rides discussed. Don presented a motion to increase Adult rides to $40.00 per person and to keep children rides @ $20.00 for children 12 and under. This motion carried. Issuance of “rain checks” discussed. Submitting paperwork to FAA for two separate dates discussed. Publicity options discussed. Cindy agreed to contact ATC regarding “scenic” call sign usage as was done in the past.
Upcoming Programs discussed. Cindy stated that there had been changes to the programs since the last board meeting. The August presentation “Understanding Weather 3-Dimensionally,” Part I, will be presented by Jake Crouch a physical scientist @ the NOAA Climatic Monitoring Center instead of Karsten Shein. The September presentation will be presented by NC DEA pilot, Steve Bryant. Cindy asked for a volunteer to serve as host for Mr. Bryant. The October program will be “Understanding Weather 3-Dimensionally,” Part II. Both weather programs will qualify for Wings credit. November program will be presented by a missionary pilot’s organization.
Food for October 8th FAASTeam WING’s event discussed. WNCPA has been asked to provide food for this event. FAASTeam will provide $350 to assist with expenses and donations to WNCPA will be permitted. Cindy made a motion requesting WNCPA provide hotdogs, hamburgers, chips, drinks, etc. for the FAASTeam event October 8th. The Board approved this motion.
Food for August meeting discussed. Board agreed on sub sandwiches for the August meeting.
Craig reminded board of upcoming visit to the Atlanta ATC center this Friday. Members have agreed to coordinate flight down on Friday.
Neil announced that AOPA president Craig Fuller is scheduled to speak at the upcoming “Southeastern Aviation Show” to be held October 29th at the Greenville Downtown Airport (GMU) Saturday, October 29th from 9am until 5pm. Admission price $5. There is more information available on both the EAA and AOPA websites.
Craig made a motion for adjournment. Meeting adjourned.
Minutes prepared by Neil Kendrick, secretary
September 2011 WNCPA Board Meeting Minutes
Board meeting called to order by Henry Johnson, president, September 6, 2011 @ 1900 hours at the Landmark Aviation FBO conference room.
Board members and attendees present included: Randy “Baggs” Bagby, Ruffin Benton, Cindy Carter, Andy Guenette, Elizabeth & Frank Henry, Henry Johnson, Garry Hancock, Neil Kendrick, Craig Kirkpatrick, Nancy Marstall, and Donald Short.
Proposed agenda discussed. Don made a motion to approve agenda. Agenda approved.
Minutes for July 2011, August 2011, and Leaf Flight 2011special meeting discussed. Don made a motion to accept amended minutes. The motion to accept amended minutes carried.
Elizabeth presented new membership applications to the board. Elizabeth made a motion for the board to approve Rheta Perkins’ & Wallace Courtney’s applications. Applicant approved by the board.
Treasurer’s report prepared by John Mitchell was presented by Donald Short. Savings: $1342.50, Checking: $7126.88, Total: $8,469.38.
Committee/Project Reports
Nominating Committee recapped slate of nominees for next term beginning January 1, 2012. This group of nominees will be presented at the September meeting and the election is to be held at the October meeting. Nominees and position are as follows: Garry Hancock — President, Nancy Marstall — Vice-President, Donald Short — Treasurer, and Gil Carlson — Secretary. Board Member nominees and terms are as follows: Ruffin Benton — 3 years, Tim Anderson — 3 years, Frank Henry and Randy Bagby — 1 year each. Board approved slate for upcoming election.
Leaf Flight 2011 discussed. Flights will be offered from 10:00 a.m. -2:00 p.m. on Saturday and from noon – 5:00 p.m. on Sunday. Presently have 7 pilots signed up to fly. Cindy stated that the process of collecting necessary documentation was in process. Fuel discount and staging area discussed. Nancy volunteered to speak with Marty at Landmark regarding a fuel discount for participating pilots and the use of the old Odyssey FBO for our staging location. Second choice for staging area discussed. Craig stated that he had made arrangements with ATC for a preflight briefing. Parking signs, leaf flight signs and WNCPA banner discussed. Don presented an Angel Flight waiver form to the board as liability waiver example. Cindy agreed to talk with Kim regarding previous waivers. Volunteers for leaf flight discussed. Henry stated that he would ask for volunteers at the next meeting and would circulate a sign-up sheet. Cindy stated that the airport authority was seeking airplanes for their static display. Nancy volunteered to assist Cindy with organizational logistics.
Old/New Business
Upcoming Programs discussed. September — Steve Bryant, DEA Pilot. Cindy stated that she needed someone to act as a liaison for Steve Bryant. Nancy agreed to act as liaison for Mr. Bryant. October — Karsten Shein, “Understanding Weather 3-Dimensionally,” Part II. November — “Training to be a missionary pilot.”
Board agreed to provide BBQ for September general meeting.
Christmas Party discussed. Venue discussed. Tentative date for event set for Tuesday evening, December 6, 2011. Garry agreed to check out last year’s venue, The Orchard at Broadmoor, as a possible location.
Craig announced that in honor of the 70th anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the organization responsible for the annual Pearl Harbor Commemorative Day in Hendersonville is selling tickets ($5 each) to raise money to send a High School student and an accompanying adult to Pearl Harbor for the 70th Anniversary event.
Cindy reminded everyone of the upcoming WING’s event October 8th.
Randy made a motion for adjournment. Meeting adjourned.
Minutes prepared by Neil Kendrick, Secretary
October 2011 WNCPA Board Meeting Minutes
Board meeting called to order by Henry Johnson, president, October 4, 2011 @ 1900 hours at the Landmark Aviation FBO conference room.
Board members and attendees present included: Randy “Baggs” Bagby, Elizabeth & Frank Henry, Henry Johnson, Garry Hancock, Neil Kendrick, Craig Kirkpatrick, Nancy Marstall, and John Mitchell.
Proposed agenda discussed. John made a motion to approve agenda. Agenda approved.
Minutes for September 2011 board meeting discussed. Craig made a motion to accept amended minutes. The motion to accept minutes carried.
Elizabeth presented new membership applications to the board. Henry made a motion for the board to approve Bryan D. Isenberg’s & Lew S. Bleiwis’ applications. Applicant approved by the board.
Treasurer’s report prepared by John Mitchell was presented by Donald Short. Savings: $1342.83, Checking: $8,443.43, Total: $9786.26. This includes $1430 raised with the 2011 leaf flight event.
Committee/Project Reports
Leaf Flight 2011 discussed. Nancy reminded the board that Cindy via an earlier email had suggested free T-shirts for Marty, Tina, and Lew. Board agreed. Craig made a motion to reimburse Kim Gibson for his expenses incurred regarding the leaf flight including the purchase of T-shirts. Motion approved. Craig stated that he appreciated the fuel discount offered by Marty @ Landmark Aviation for leaf flight pilots.
Christmas Party 2011 discussed. Garry addressed the board regarding the Broadmoor Golf Links. This is the same venue as last year. Room rate $500, Food cost $28 per person, with a total cost of $2800 to $2900. Garry suggested a $30.00 per person charge for this event. Craig made a motion to approve The Broadmoor Golf Links as this year’s venue and charge $30.00 per person for this event. Motion carried. Christmas party committee will continue working on particulars.
Education Fund discussed. Several funding options discussed. Donations for fly-out events, a raffle, and a line item for contributions added to annual membership due notice were all discussed.. Education fund funding tables for now.
Suggestions to improve publicity for future events discussed.
Old/New Business
Upcoming Programs discussed. October will be Jake Crouch or Karsten Shein, “Understanding Weather 3-Dimensionally.” November program will be entitled “Training to be a Missionary Pilot.” No December regular meeting.
Board agreed to provide hamburgers and hotdogs for October general meeting.
No announcements.
Randy made a motion for adjournment. Meeting adjourned.
Minutes prepared by Neil Kendrick, Secretary
November 2011 WNCPA Board Meeting Minutes
Board meeting called to order by Henry Johnson, president, November 1, 2011 @ 1900 hours at the Landmark Aviation FBO conference room.
Board members and attendees present included: Randy “Baggs” Bagby, Ruffin Benton, Andy Guenette, Elizabeth & Frank Henry, Henry Johnson, Garry Hancock, Phil Kelley, Neil Kendrick, Craig Kirkpatrick, Nancy Marstall, and John Mitchell.
Proposed agenda discussed. John made a motion to approve agenda. Agenda approved.
Minutes for October 2011 board meeting discussed. Craig made a motion to accept minutes. The motion to accept minutes carried.
No new membership applications presented to the board this month.
Treasurer’s report was presented by John Mitchell. Savings: $1347.12, Checking: $7990.14, Total: $8446.26. Check for $1000 to Orchard at Broadmoor for Christmas Party deposit.
Committee/Project Reports
Education Fund fund raising events discussed. Elizabeth suggested having a 50/50 raffle at the general meeting with all proceeds going to the Education Fund. Each raffle ticket would have a suggested donation of $1.00. Suggestion met with favorable comments from the board. Henry agrees to discuss 50/50 Education raffle idea at the November general meeting.
Door prizes discussed. Elizabeth suggested having non-aviation door prizes available in the future. Board agrees to explore other door prize options in the future.
Food for future meeting discussed. Elizabeth suggested setting up a volunteer system to provide food preparation for the coming year. Craig suggested seeking volunteers to help Elizabeth with future food preparation.
Christmas Party 2011 discussed. Garry presented to the board a contract for Christmas Party at the Orchard at Broadmoor. Board accepted conditions of contract and Henry agreed to sign and have Garry deliver the signed contract along with the $1000 deposit listed above to the Orchard at Broadmoor. Henry volunteered to emcee event. Garry stated that invitations would go out this week with an RSVP date of November 28th. Nancy requested volunteers to help with decorating the venue. Small gifts for departing board members discussed.
Old/New Business
Future programs and events discussed. Henry suggested contacting AOPA president, Craig Fuller regarding a regional, aviation speaking event for next year. Garry suggested using this event to make a large regional showing for the organization. Topic tabled for future discussion.
Food for November meeting discussed. Elizabeth suggested having a “Pasta Night.” Board approved suggestion.
John announced that he and Garry had flown to the Spitfire Café in Winder Georgia today and suggested the organization offer more of these fly-out events in 2012. Phil suggested setting up a calendar on the website to help facilitate fly-out event in the future. Garry suggested having at least one scheduled fly-out event each year. Other future fly-out destinations discussed.
Nancy congratulated Henry for a great job as President of WNCPA for the past 2 years and the Board responded with a round of applause. Henry thanked exiting board members for their service as well.
Ruffin addressed the board regarding an LSA spokesman from Florida who would like to present information about his product to the organization at the November meeting. Board approved Ruffin’s request.
Henry made a motion for adjournment. Meeting adjourned.
Minutes prepared by Neil Kendrick, Secretary
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