Dear aviation friends;
I hope that this email finds you all well, and that you are reassembling any destruction of your property by water and winds.
Due to the continuing problems associated with the hurricane, and the disruptions in normal activity at AVL due to its service as a staging point for FEMA, Dave has decided to cancel the regularly scheduled meeting of WNCPA this month. Hopefully the dust will have settled enough by next month to resume our normal schedule.
As a side note, having volunteered to help transport emergency supplies to Avery airport last week from GMU, I can say from first hand experience that FEMA seemed to be doing a VERY good job of responding to our needs. Our local aviation community was also highly responsive: my aircraft was just one of a swarm that was descending upon Avery, helping to stock it with a hangar full of emergency supplies, ranging from insulin to cat food. And FEMA was there to coordinate what seemed to be a miniature version of the Berlin airlift. How wonderful it was to see neighbor helping neighbor in this crisis.
Best regards,
Bill Whitehead