WNC Pilots Association General Meeting
January 17, 2012
WNC Aviation
Meeting called to order at 7:06 p.m. by President, Garry Hancock.
There were two guests welcomed
The Minutes of the last regular meeting: Read and approved
Treasure’s Report: Approved Checking 8765.05
Savings 1343.68
Total $10108.73 Including ($1360 – Scholarship Fund)
Membership Report: 75 dues paid members for 2012
Fly-Outs: See Web Site for details
1st Friday – Morganton noon cookout
3rd Saturday – Monthly, Check Web – To offer ideas, talk to Tim Anderson or John Mitchell
Spring – Wright Patterson USAF Museum (Overnighter)
Items for sale can be posted on the association’s Web Site. The following rules apply:
A The first two postings each year by a member will not be charged.
B Except as above, the cost of a posting is $25 and is open to non-members..
C Each posting is limited to two lines of description, plus contact information.
D Each posting will be on the Web Site for 30 days.
Aviation Medical Update: Dr Ruffin Benton
Discussion regarding occasional Medical Certification delays
February Meeting
Chili Cook-off
Door Prize winning #465
50/50 Raffle had a pot of $82, 50% goes to the Scholarship Fund
Winning #330 978
Business meeting adjourned 7:29 p.m.
Program: Introduced by Cindy Carter
Jeremy Griggs – Sky Vision Extreme
Introduction to ADSB (Automatic Dependant Surveillance Broadcast)
Tested in Alaska since 2005
Infrastructure built in lower 48 and finished by 2012
Participation will be mandatory by 2020
Submitted by:
Gil Carlson
WNC Pilots Association
Member’s Meeting
The program was put before the business meeting because there were concerns that the weather may effect the presenter’s flight back to the Atlanta area later in the evening.
Program: Angel Flight, Atlanta
Bernadette Darnell shared with us the mission of Angel Flight and encouraged qualifying pilots to participate in the work of this meritorious organization.
For information, contact Bernadette Darnell, Director of Operations / 770.425.7958 Ext 2 / Bernadette@AngelFlightSoars.org / www.AngelFlightSoars.org
The meeting was called to order at 7:27 p.m. by President, Garry Hancock.
The Minutes of the January meeting were read and approved.
The Treasure’s report was presented and approved:
General Account $9801.42
Savings Account $1343.40
Total $11144.82 including the Scholarship Fund of $1486.00
26 people flew out to Shelby on 2/25 to participate in BBQ at the Flying Pig, just on the other side of the cemetery from the Shelby tarmac.
Friday March 2nd will be our next Fly Out to Morganton for lunch as guests of their 1st Friday Cookout.
The regular 3rd Saturday Fly Out will be to Hickory. We will meet there at noon for lunch. There is also a museum.
We had a sign up for Fly a Controller and for those that may wish to participate in the Spring overnight Fly Out to the Air Force Museum at Wright Patterson.
Dr Benton spoke about noxious gasses in the cockpit.
The 50/50 Raffle for the benefit of the Scholarship fund, produced a pot of $50.
The winning ticket number for the door prize was #512.
Five new members were given their certificates.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:48 p.m.
Submitted by Gil Carlson, Secretary
WNC Pilots Association General Meeting
March 20, 2012
WNC Aviation
Meeting called to order at 7:04 p.m. by President, Garry Hancock.
The Minutes of the last regular meeting: Approved
Treasure’s Report: Approved Checking 9470.60
Savings 1344.30
Total $10814.90 Including ($1586.00 – Scholarship Fund)
Last year’s scholarship recipient, Christopher Hewitt, a youth member of CAP, was introduced to the membership and given an opportunity to tell of his progress toward his goals in aviation. Chris has soloed and is continuing in his training and time building.
Fly-Outs: See Web Site for details
1st Friday, April 6th – Morganton noon cookout
3rd Saturday – Hickory for lunch
Spring – Wright Patterson USAF Museum (over-nighter) projected date is May 18 & 19.
Fly a Controller Program: There are nine volunteer pilots and planes from the Association.
So far, four controllers have responded to the offer.
Aviation Medical Update:
Dr Ruffin Benton
Discussion of the reasons for some of the more obscure aspects of some of the
medical forms and an anecdotal ramification of following through on them.
Dr William Horan
Discussed the move from written, to computer entry, of personal and medical information.
March 29th, Aviation Weather Safety seminar, AB Tech, $40 – check AB Tech for details.
Mountain Wings program – April 14th, 10:00 a.m., Clarion Hotel, Airport Road.
Check the Web Site for “items for sale” and buy something.
Door Prize winning #513550
50/50 Raffle had a pot of $94, 50% goes to the Scholarship Fund
Winning #331136
A new member was introduced: Allen Laduc
Business meeting adjourned 7:19 p.m.
Program: Introduced by Cindy Carter
Wings Program: Night IFR and VFR flight following procedures.
Submitted by:
Gil Carlson – Secretary
WNC Pilots Association General Meeting
April 17, 2012
WNC Aviation
Meeting called to order at 7:01 p.m. by President, Garry Hancock.
The Minutes of the last regular meeting: Approved
Treasure’s Report: Approved Checking 9646.46 Including ($1586.00 – Scholarship und)
Savings 1344.59
- May 1st is the deadline for submissions of application for the annual Scholarship award
- Fly-Out for Winder, GA – 4/28 We will meet there at noon
- Fly-Out for Morganton – 5/4 We will meet there at noon
- Fly A Controller program, coordinator, Robert Poole
Both pilots and an attending controller shared their experiences
50/50 Raffle:
Cindy Carter had the winning number and added her 50% of the $140 pot
to the Scholarship fund
Two new members were introduced:
Ken McAbee and Barbara Poole
The meeting was adjourned at 7:32 p.m.
The program was presented by Jake Crouch, Physical Scientist with the Climatic Center.
The presentation was a study/review of the damaging storm that included Western North Carolina in its path on March 2nd, 2012.
Submitted by:
Gil Carlson – Secretary
WNC Pilots Association General Meeting
May 15, 2012
WNC Aviation
Meeting called to order at 7:02 p.m. by President, Garry Hancock.
We welcomes 4 guests
The Minutes of the last general meeting: Approved
Treasure’s Report: Approved Checking $9500.54 Including ($2070 – Scholarship Fund)
Savings $1344.59
· 9 submissions of application for the annual Scholarship Award were received by the May 1st deadline
· The board has been working on forming a non-profit corporation to oversee the Scholarship Fund. The Charter was approved by the State of North Carolina on
May 2, 2012. The by-laws are to be considered by the WNCPA Board and application for 501(c)(3) status will be applied for.
· Fly-Out to Dayton for USAF Museum tour – May 25-26
About 18 aircraft and 16 participants are signed up.
· Fly out to Morganton – June 1st meet there at noon
· Our Fly a Controller program is still active
· There will be an Air Fair at the WNC Air Museum on June 2&3
· WNCPA will work with the Asheville Regional Airport on the 2nd Annual Aviation Day and Runway Run to be held the week-end of October 6th.
The 50/50 Raffle had a total pot of $93. The winning ticket was #352 and the winner’s portion
was donated back, so the entire amount was applied to the Scholarship Fund.
The winning door prize ticket was #678
Dr Ruffin Benton pointed out an article on Glaucoma in the latest Federal Air Surgeon’s Medical Bulletin. The Federal Air Surgeon’s Medical Bulletin (FASMB) is published quarterly for aviation medical examiners and others interested in aviation safety and aviation medicine. The Bulletin is prepared by the FAA’s Civil Aerospace Medical Institute, with policy guidance and support from the Office of Aerospace Medicine. The subscription is no cost, or it can be read online.
Cindy Carter encouraged participation in the Wings Program with some good reasons to do so.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:19 p.m.
The program was a Wings accredited program. Presenter Darwin Jones spoke on
“The Impossible Turn” and how to do it – maybe.
Submitted by: Gil Carlson – Secretary
WNC Pilots Association General Meeting
July, 2012
Each year in July, we host a cookout instead of our regular monthly meeting. There was no General Meeting.
NC Pilots Association General Meeting
August 21, 2012
WNC Aviation
Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Garry Hancock.
We welcomed two guests.
The minutes of the last general meeting: Approved
Treasurer’s Report: Approved
Checking $10,974.20
Savings $1,345.34
Scholarship Fund $3,000.00
Plus $25.00 from cake sale
- Wally Courtney from Civil Air Patrol shared that he had been asked by the Air Force to distribute posters regarding the TFR’s in place during the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, September 4-6, 2012. Cindy Carter suggested calling 1-800-weather brief if anyone has questions.
- Nancy Marstall asked for aircraft for the static display at Asheville Regional Airport Aviation Day, October 6, 2012.
- 2012 scholarship recipients Rheta Perkins and Grant Smith were recognized and presented with certificates.
- Cindy Carter asked for volunteer pilots and support staff for the October 6-7 Leaf Flights that will be given in conjunction with Aviation Day.
- There will be a Fly Out to Winder GA on September 15, arrive at 12:00 weather permitting.
- Elizabeth Henry asked new members to pick up their name tags and certificates.
Winning door prize ticket was #763.
The meeting was adjourned.
The program was an open discussion with Asheville Air Traffic Controllers.
WNC Pilots Association General Meeting
September, 2012
WNC Aviation
Meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by President, Garry Hancock.
Two guests were recognized and welcomed.
The minutes of the last meeting were approved.
The treasurer reported: Savings account of $1345.49 and checking of $10,059.99
The Scholarship Fund, included in the above total is $2025.00
The nominations from the board for the two new Directors are Darwin Jones and Don Watson
Jan Jones is the person recommended to be Membership Chairperson.
AVL Aviation Day is October 5
WNCPA will be offering scenic rides during the time of AVL Aviation day as well as on Sunday, Oct 6th.
Fly Out:
3rd Sat of Oct (20th) to Sevierville and tour the Air Museum
4th Sat of Oct (27th) to Winder, GA
Doctor Benton’s Medical news – Pilots will have opportunity to review the Pilot’s Bill of Rights when going through the Medical Certification process.
Three new members were welcomed – Ron Harris and John and Pam Gaitskill
The meeting was adjourned at 7:27
The program was a presentation regarding the status and future of 100LL aviation fuel By Marty Kretchman, General Manager of Landmark Aviation, Asheville
WNC Pilots Association General Meeting
2012 Annual Meeting
October 16, 2012
WNC Aviation
Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President, Garry Hancock
The Minutes of the last general meeting: Approved
Treasure’s Report: Approved Checking $11,671.21 Including ($2025 – Scholarship Fund) Savings $1345.60
We welcomed 6 guests
Leaf Flight Report – Five planes and pilots flew over 70 passengers in 32 flights.
Over $2,000 was collected.
Fly out – Saturday October 20th Shelby Flying Pig BBQ
Saturday November 17th Sevierville Air Museum
The Western North Carolina Pilot’s Association Educational Foundation, Inc is now a
North Carolina Corporation. It is a 501(c)3 corporation.
The board members appointed by the WNCPA Board are:
- Arnold Andresen
- Malachy Beckham
- Ruffin Benton
- Cindy Carter
- Will Crook
- Phil Kelley
- Anne Osmer
- Henry Johnson
WNCPA Christmas Party – December 4, 2012 at Broadmoor Golf Club. Mark Grady will be the speaker. Announcements will be mailed.
Two directors were elected to the WNCPA Board: Darwin Jones and Don Watson
A Membership Chairperson was elected: Jan Jones
There will be a workshop at the Spartanburg Airport on October 20th – IPAD in the Cockpit
AVL Airport Director, Lew Bleiweis, reported that the Aviation Day had about 700 5K runners and 3500 people attended
The Aviation Medical report by Dr Ruffin Benton included information about required no-fly hours for pilots after taking some medications
The winning Door Prize number was 171482
Meeting Adjourned at 7:27 p.m.
The following Wings Program featured Jake Crouch from the National Climatic Data Center talking about icing.
WNC Pilots Association General Meeting
November 20, 2012
WNC Aviation
Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President, Garry Hancock.
We welcomed 5 guests
The Minutes of the last general meeting: Approved
Treasure’s Report: Approved Checking $10,950.69 Including ($525–Scholarship Fund) Savings $1345.72
- There were 20 people that took part in the Fly-In to the Air Museum at Sevierville
- The Christmas Party will be held at Broadmoor Golf Club, December 6, 2012
- Dr Ruffin Benton discussed the Medical Express system of fill out information on line, previous to the medical appointment.
The winning door prize number was 171495
The meeting was adjourned at 7:13 p.m
The program was a Wings accredited program.
Presenter Richard Bow – Hypoxia the Silent Killer
Submitted by: Gil Carlson – Secretary
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