January 2011 WNCPA General Meeting Minutes
General meeting called to order by Henry Johnson January 18, 2011, 7 PM @ the Lacy Griffith Building.
Eleven guests present.
Minutes read by Neil Kendrick, secretary. John Panarites motioned to accept minutes as read, seconded by Donald Short. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s report was presented by John Mitchell.
Old/New Business:
Henry thanked everyone involved with the Christmas Party.
Cindy addressed group regarding Education fund. Board allocated $870(10% of general funds as of January 1, 2011) to fund for 2011. Garry Hancock and Anne Osmer volunteered to may contributions to the education fund as well.
Henry discussed upcoming programs.
Elizabeth presented certificates and name tags to new members.
Winning door prize number 513179 held by John Nodeine.
Frank presented new merchandise to the group.
Medical News:
Dr. Ruffin Benton stated that Med Express tips and access will be added to the website. He suggested talking with your AME and ironing out any issues prior to the one’s actual physical. This will help with the overall process.
Henry announced that there had been a website name change for the organization. The website name is www.flywncpa.org. He encouraged everyone to make a note of the new name. Dave Olday has volunteered to continue as webmaster. Thanks Dave.
Cindy asked for pilot volunteers for the upcoming WNC Air Museum Air Fair to be held June 4th and 5th.
Henry presented his “Quote of the Month.”
Mal motioned to adjourn. Motion carried.
Presentation: Recognition awards program, officiated by Henry and Cindy.
Minutes prepared by Neil Kendrick, secretary.
General meeting called to order by Henry Johnson January 18, 2011, 7 PM @ the Lacy Griffith Building.
Eleven guests present.
Minutes read by Neil Kendrick, secretary. John Panarites motioned to accept minutes as read, seconded by Donald Short. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s report was presented by John Mitchell.
Old/New Business:
Henry thanked everyone involved with the Christmas Party.
Cindy addressed group regarding Education fund. Board allocated $870(10% of general funds as of January 1, 2011) to fund for 2011. Garry Hancock and Anne Osmer volunteered to may contributions to the education fund as well.
Henry discussed upcoming programs.
Elizabeth presented certificates and name tags to new members.
Winning door prize number 513179 held by John Nodeine.
Frank presented new merchandise to the group.
Medical News:
Dr. Ruffin Benton stated that Med Express tips and access will be added to the website. He suggested talking with your AME and ironing out any issues prior to the one’s actual physical. This will help with the overall process.
Henry announced that there had been a website name change for the organization. The website name is www.flywncpa.org. He encouraged everyone to make a note of the new name. Dave Olday has volunteered to continue as webmaster. Thanks Dave.
Cindy asked for pilot volunteers for the upcoming WNC Air Museum Air Fair to be held June 4th and 5th.
Henry presented his “Quote of the Month.”
Mal motioned to adjourn. Motion carried.
Presentation: Recognition awards program, officiated by Henry and Cindy.
Minutes prepared by Neil Kendrick, secretary.
February 2011 WNCPA General Meeting Minutes
General meeting called to order by Henry Johnson February 15, 2011, 7 PM @ the Lacy Griffith Building.
Two guests present.
Minutes read by Neil Kendrick, secretary. Donald Short motioned to accept minutes as read. Motion carried.
Treasures report was presented by John Mitchell. Education fund has $1250.
Old/New Business:
Upcoming programs discussed. Cindy announced an AOPA education offering Feb. 17th at Greenville Tech, Greenville, SC.
Medical News:
Dr. Ruffin Benton stated that our new website, www.flywncpa.org, has a medical section with a link to the MedXPress web site.
Elizabeth announced that we would be holding our annual “Chili Cook-off“ at our March meeting. She also stated that new shirts and hat are available and that other customized items from the catalog could be ordered.
Door prize drawing held, winning #214. Neil Kendrick won.
Cindy announced that Four Seasons Hospice Care would be having a silent auction and she would like for someone to donate an airplane flight to the cause.
Don Shield asked about the status of the education fund regarding applicants. Application/interview process discussed.
John Mitchell asked about upcoming fly-out events. Fly –out events discussed.
Henry presented his “Quote of the Month.”
Mal motioned to adjourn. Motion carried.
Bob Southerlin and Cindy Carter presented the NC Wings Pilot Proficiency Program CFI of the year award to Mal Beckham.
Presentation: Bob Southerlin presented information regarding the FAASTeam program.
Minutes prepared by Neil Kendrick, secretary.
March 2011 WNCPA General Meeting Minutes
General meeting called to order by Henry Johnson March 15, 2011, 6:56 PM @ the Lacy Griffin Building.
Five guests present.
Minutes presented by Neil Kendrick, secretary. Minutes approved as read.
Treasures report was presented by John Mitchell. Total $9720.80 Education Fund $1500.
Old/New Business:
Upcoming programs discussed.
Medical News:
Dr. Benton circulated a strange new logo for a prize. No one guessed the new logo.
He stated that there had been a change in OTC medication limitations that pilots should be aware of.
Cindy announced an AOPA sponsored education offering and pancake breakfast here at the Asheville airport May 12th @ 9AM. The presentation “Close Calls, Lessons learned” is approved for WING’s credit. The pancake breakfast will be sponsored by the WNCPA and volunteers were requested.
David Shields announced an upcoming Ground School beginning March 31st.
Elizabeth presented name tags and certificates to new members.
Richard Adelman announced an upcoming “CamGard” presentation at the next EAA chapter meeting March 12th @ 7pm here at the Lacy Griffin building. Everyone invited.
Door prize drawing held, winning #246. John Mitchell won.
Henry presented his “Quote of the Month.”
Craig motioned to adjourn. Motion carried.
Mal Beckham, “Night Flying.” Roster for WING’s credit circulated.
Minutes prepared by Neil Kendrick, secretary.
April 2011 WNCPA General Meeting Minutes
General meeting called to order by Henry Johnson April 19, 2011, 7 PM @ the Lacy Griffin Building.
Five guests present.
Minutes presented by Neil Kendrick, secretary. Minutes approved as read.
Treasurer’s report was presented by John Mitchell. Total $10,251.87 Education Fund $1500.
Old/New Business:
Revised bylaws discussed. Henry announced that revised bylaws available for review on website. Plan to have vote on revised bylaws at upcoming meeting.
Upcoming programs discussed.
Cindy presented information on upcoming WNCPA sponsored pancake breakfast featuring an WING’s approved AOPA presentation. Sign-up roster for volunteers circulated.
Medical News:
Dr. Benton remined the group that FFA issued special issuance letters must be carried along with your
Elizabeth presented name tags and certificates to new members.
Door prize drawing held, winning #318. Philip Plemmons won.
Henry presented his “Quote of the Month.”
John Panarites motioned to adjourn. Motion carried.
iPad/ForeFlight presentation presented by John Mitchell and Nancy & Jerry Marstall
Minutes prepared by Neil Kendrick, secretary.
May 2011 WNCPA General Meeting Minutes
General meeting called to order by Henry Johnson, president, May 17, 2011, 7 PM @ the Lacy Griffin Building. Quorum present.
Seven guests present.
Minutes presented by Neil Kendrick, secretary. Minutes approved as read.
Treasurer’s report presented. Total $10,619.14 including $1560 in the education fund.
Tina Kinsey, Marketing Director Asheville Airport Authority, addressed the group regarding upcoming community event, Saturday, October first. Requested input from WNCPA and its members.
Old/New Business:
Henry thanked everyone who helped with the pancake breakfast. He thanked Cndy Carter for a great presentation.
Vote on changes to by-laws approved.
Upcoming programs discussed.
Medical News:
Dr. Benton encouraged everyone to speak with their flight surgeon regarding any new medical condition.
Cindy encouraged everyone to join her mailing list.
Elizabeth presented name tags and certificates to new members.
Door prize drawing held, winning #346.
Henry presented his “Quote of the Month.”
Frank Henry motioned to adjourn. Motion carried.
Darwin Jones presented “Stall/Spins.”
Minutes prepared by Neil Kendrick, secretary.
June 2011 WNCPA General Meeting Minutes
General meeting called to order by Henry Johnson, president, June 21, 2011, 7 PM @ the Lacy Griffin Building. Quorum present.
Three guests present.
Minutes presented by Neil Kendrick, secretary. Jim Tyson motioned and the minutes were approved as read.
Treasurer’s report presented by Garry Hancock. (S) $1341.45, (C) $8837.87, (T) $10,179.32 including $1560 in the education fund. Total usable funds: $8679.32.
Old/New Business:
Henry Johnson notified group that board member Paul Wood resigned. Nominating committee has asked and Ruffin Benton has volunteered to become a nominee for the board position vacated by Paul Wood. Ruffin Benton’s name presented to the organization as a nominee to fill board member postion vacated by Paul Wood. Motion carried.
Education fund presentation officiated by Henry Johnson. Education fund committee consisting of Ruffin Benton, Cindy Carter, Nancy Marstall, and Don Short has chosen Christoper Hewitt as the winner of this year’s education fund award. A check for $1,560 along with a letter of recognition was presented to Christopher Hewitt. Christopher’s flight training is provided through the Asheville Chapter of the Civil Air Patrol and the monies will be disbursed through this organization to further Christopher’s flight training. Christopher addressed the group regarding his previous flight experience as well as his future aviation plans. Arnie Andersen addressed the group regarding the Civil Air Patrol’s program Flight Academy in which Christopher and other young people have the oppprtunity to further their aviation aspirations.
Upcoming programs discussed.
Medical News:
Dr. Benton stated that the FAA is helping people with medical issues.
Arnie Andersen announced that Ruffin’s wife, Paula, was at home recuperating from a recent surgery.
Richard Adelmanm announced that he had received his Sport pilot’s licence. He publicly thanked Greg Collins, Amy Thomas, Mal Beckham, John Gateskill, Darwin Jones, Scott Mosler, flight examiner Don Jones, as well as the membership of both the local EAA chapter and the WNCPA organization.
Cindy announce that Herman had recently soloed in a glider. Herman addressed the group regarding this experience.
Darwin Jones announced that he would be settting up a short term program for acrobatic flying and would be taking a limited number of applicants.
Elizabeth announced that she had received a few WNCPA aprons donated by Cindy Carter and that the proceeds from the sale of these aprons would go to the education fund.
Door prize drawing held, winning #397. Ken Caldwell was the winner.
Henry presented his “Quote of the Month.”
Don motioned to adjourn. Motion carried.
May program entitlied “Sport Flight” offered by Harrison Shull, an avid sport pilot and photographer. Presenter introduced by Cindy Carter. Harrison has two websites offering more of his spectacular photography, www.shullphoto.com and www.appalachianimages.com.
Minutes prepared by Neil Kendrick, secretary.
July 2011 WNCPA General Meeting Minutes
Each year in July, we host a cookout instead of our regular monthly meeting. There was no General Meeting.
August 2011 WNCPA General Meeting Minutes
General meeting called to order by Henry Johnson, president, August 16, 2011, 6:55 PM @ the Lacy Griffin Building. Quorum present.
Sixteen guests present.
No Treasurer’s report offered. John Mitchell on vacation.
Minutes approved.
Old/New Business:
Leaf Flight 2011 discussed. Henry Johnson stated that we need pilot volunteers for the upcoming leaf flight event scheduled for October 1,2011. Kim Gibson identified as contact point for interested pilots. Fuel reimbursement discussed. Dr. Ruffin Benton suggested that when talking with your insurance companies let them know that this is a charity event.
Elizabeth presented new membership certificates and name tags.
Medical News:
Dr. Benton spoke on matters regarding the recent Federal Air Surgeon’s Report.
David Shields announced that there had been a 4-fold increase in airspace violations within Charlotte’s Class B airspace in the last 6 months. He encouraged everyone to be observant when flying in the Charlotte area.
Door prize drawing held, winning #401. Stuart Knight, CFI Airwolf Aviation, was the winner.
Henry encouraged everyone to sign up for credit for tonight’s WING’s event.
Henry presented his “Quote of the Month.”
Don motioned to adjourn. Motion carried.
“Umderstanding Weather Three Dimensionally, Part I” Presented by Jake Crouch, physical scientist from NOAA’s National Cilmatic Data Center, Asheville, NC.
Minutes prepared by Neil Kendrick, secretary.
September 2011 WNCPA General Meeting Minutes
September 13, 2011
1. Call to Order: 7:00 pm
2. Introduction of Guests
Neil Harris & Jan Jones
3. Minutes – (minutes now on web site)
4. Treasurer’s Report – John/Don (As of 9/6/11, Sav = $1,342.5, Ck = $7,126.58, Tot = 8,469.38)
5. Old Business
- Lew Bleiweiss – AVL Airport director: 50 Year Anniversary plans
• Leaf Flight – Oct 1&2
- Call for Volunteers – Saturday (flights 10-4, Sunday ( 12-4)
* Pass out sign-up sheets
6. New Business
- October Board/Officer Election Nominees:
Pres – Garry Hancock Bd 3-Yr Term – Ruffin Benton, Tim Anderson
VP – Nancy Marstall Bd 1-Yr (Andy) – Frank Henry
Sec – Gil Carlson Bd 1-Yr (Nancy) – Randy Bagby
Treas – Don Short Immed PP – Henry Johnson
- Upcoming Programs
- October – Jake Crouch/Karsten Shein – Understanding WS 3-Dimensionally, Part II
- November – Training to be a Missionary Pilot
- December – Christmas Party – Tue, Dec 6 (tentative); location TBD; Need Volunteers!
- Announcements
- Transylvania – Fly-in October 9, 2-4 pm
- Wounded Warrior Pancake Breakfast – Landmark, Saturday, October 22
- Medical News – Dr. Ruffin Benton
- Door Prizes – Winning Ticket #513423
8. Adjourn to Program 7:35 pm
- Steve Bryant, pilot with the DEA in Charlotte, will tell us about how DEA uses general aviation assets to perform its mission. Steve joined the Marines in 74 (AD and then reserves, retiring as a major), VA State Trooper (80-87), NCIS agent (87-97). He was hired by the DEA in 1997 and attended the FBI Academy and was was assigned to Charlotte (97-00); Lima, Peru & Bogata, Columbia (00-05); and back to Charlotte in 2005, tasked with establishing DEA’s first air assets in NC. He has 6,000 hours TT, about a third in King Air 350s and is an ATP, CFII, MEII, A&P, as well as specialized training in Land and Water survival as well as SERE, our military’s acronym for Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape training.
The purpose of the WNCPA is to promote General Aviation through monthly meetings that emphasize flying safety, ongoing education related to flying, and to provide opportunities to exchange information with flying enthusiasts across a wide spectrum of flying experience.” www.flywncpa.org
Goals 2011: 1. Organizational/Administrative – Insurance & ByLaws Review/Update
2. GA Safety, Education, and Awareness 3. Operational (fun!) – Wings Programs, Scholarships, Leaf Flight, Fly-outs, Fly Controllers, etc.
October 2011 WNCPA General Meeting Minutes
General meeting called to order by Neil Kendrick, Secretary, October 18, 2011, 7 PM @ the Lacy Griffin Building. Quorum present.
Four guests present.
Minutes read by Secretary. Bob made a motion to approve minutes. Minutes approved.
Treasurer’s report offered by Donald Short. (C) $7,047.13, (S) $ 1342.81, (T) $ 8399.94. Leaf Flight: 35 people flown, $1430.00 in donations collected, $386.32 in expenses, $1043.68 deposited into checking.
Other Leaf Flight facts presented. 23 volunteers and 6 pilots participated. Landmark Aviation provided a generous fuel discount for pilots. Pilots were recognized and thanked by group.
Old/New Business:
Board /Officer election. The following individuals were presented as candidates for 2012 WNCPA Board: Garry Hancock — President, Nancy Marstall — Vice-President, Gil Carlson — Secretary, Donald Short — Treasurer, Ruffin Benton & Tim Anderson — 3 year term Board members, and Randy Bagby & Frank Henry — 1 year term Board members. Nominations from the floor requested. No nominations from the floor offered. John Mitchell made a motion to accept the slate of Officers/Board members as presented. Motion carried.
Christmas Party discussed. Nancy announced that this year’s Christmas party would be held December 6th at the Orchard at the Broadmoor Country Club. The cost would be $30 per person which would include the meal (Italian Buffet) and the rental of the venue.
Medical News:
Dr. Benton reported to the group on an epidemic of narcotic usage in WNC and the subsequent deaths involving the use of prescription drugs. He described Project Lazarus as a NC, community-based initiative to prevent overdoses related to prescription drugs. He suggested that personshaving prescription narcotics lock them up and not tell other where you keep them. Neil Kendrick advised membership to dispose of any unused or out -of-date prescription drugs. Dr. Benton suggested returning them to to the doctor’s office.
Nancy announced the upcoming Wounded Warriors benefit breakfast to be held Saturday, October 22, 2011 at the Dove Air Building. $5.00 adults, $3.00 uder 12 years. Wounded Warriors is a non-profit organization that provide programs to severly injured service people, and seeks to honor and empower wounded warriors. Landmark has requested volunteers to assist with the breakfast. We have 8 volunteers so far. Everyone encouraged to volunteer, attend, and invite others.
Elizabeth handed out new membership certificates and name tags.
Herman announced a BBQ and sail plane event Saturday, October 22 @ 11:30 AM in Greenville,SC. Hermann was recognized for his recent sail-plane endorsement. Congratulations.
Neil presented Henry’s “Quote of the Month.”
Don motioned to adjourn. Motion carried.
“Understanding Weather Three Dimensionally, Part II” presented by Jake Crouch, physical scientist from NOAA’s National Cilmatic Data Center, Asheville, NC.
Minutes prepared by Neil Kendrick, Secretary.
November 2011 WNCPA General Meeting Minutes
1. Call to Order 7:00 pm
2. Introduction of Guests 3 guests were introduced
3. Minutes – (minutes now on web site)
4. Treasurer’s Report – John Mitchell Given by Garry Hancock – Savings: $1,343.12
Checking: $7,219.14
Total $8,562.26
5. Old Business
• Election of Officers and Board Members for next year – report
New Officers:
Pres Garry Hancock
VP Nancy Marstall
Sec Gil Carlson
Treas Don Short
Membership Chair Elizabeth Henry
Bd Tim Anderson
Randy Bagby
Ruffin Benton
Frank Henry
Phil Kelley
Craig Kilpatrick
P Pres Henry Johnson
6. New Business
- Membership Renewals
- Fund Raising for WNCPA Aviation Education Grants discussed:
- 10% of association bank balance on Jan 1 of each year
- Individual, non-deductible donations (will add reminder to membership renewal info)
- 50-50 optional raffle at each meeting in addition to our regular door prize raffle (Jan mtg)
- Consider web site solicitation for donations accompanying education grant info
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